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You know you're addicted to Coldplay when...


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***when you think VH1 is a channel which plays violet hill video

***when the first song that you played in a piano was "the scientist"/"trouble"

***when because of you, your 13 years old brother loves "warnign sign"

***when your family know the day when "Viva la vida" comes out

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you know you're addicted to Coldplay when...


1.) You go to Wal-Mart with a friend and see a model type Chris Martin look alike

2.) You introduce your Grandma into Coldplay and offer burnt discs of Parachute, etc.

3.) When you want to win the tickets of them to come in your living room and sing then offer them to come and play in your bedroom. :sneaky:

4.) When you really just need to get off of this damn site for a day and then can't bear to stay away even when people don't respond to your posts anymore... like good ol' me.

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  • 1 month later...

ahah here's my list:


- when u teach ur little brother the names of the members, the lyrics of the songs, the names of the albums, and which instrument each member plays;


- when u talk so much about coldplay that ur grandma ends up saying she hates coldplay but then u show her a great pic of guy berryman and she falls in love (happened yesterday);


- when u try to talk about coldplay to someone but u can't cuz ur voice gets "weak" with the emotion (geez, always happening!);


- when u cry everytime u think they have been in your country and when u see a videoclip in any channel;


- when u cut every magazine articles about them and u dont have much space where to put them xD;


- when u go out to the mall and suddenly u listen to coldplay and a scream goes out of ur mouth and u dont know how u did it;


- when u are in the bus and someone's listening to coldplay in his mp3 and u go sit next to him always smiling and he's like "wtf?" (last week xD);


- when u are kicked off the cinema in the "40-year-old virgin" (yup, it's true, those fuckers!);


- when u can't sleep so u put ur mp3 and start listening to Clocks in the maximum and u just feel ur body all shivering and u start crying without reason.



That's when i know i'm addicted to Coldplay.

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-Whenever i hear the music of coldplay i smile and start talking about it whoever i meet first

- When the words from new album suddenly appear from nowhere

- when my friends call me freak of coldplay

- When i see that my Mobile Phones space of 500 mb is taken away by coldplay only


damn i love them :(

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* When you listen to coldplay cd's all day and if you get in a car that doesn't have one you zap the radio channels to find one song.

* listening to VLVODAAHF everyday since it came out, and not being sick of it for one moment.

* when Your already obsessing about how your going to plan your day on okt 3rd to be the first to get in line for the concert.

* When you already drive the person coming with you to the concert crazy with the coldplay madness.

* when you get up at 6.30 on sunday morning ( when you don't have to work) to listen to the radio channel giving away tickets for Brixton (and actually winning)

* giving back the annoying fly that woke you up at 6 that same sunday his freedom. (must have been a sign)

* when you spend your week off hogging the coldplaying forum and checking coldplay.com every hour to see if that little star and cross thingy came back up and are the secret passage ways to the VLV video

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This one is really good:


When you are in the bus and u see an old man with a newspaper on his pocket, and u realize there is "Viva a revolução" written on it with a Coldplay's interview and u leave in the same place he does and then u go after him and ask him to see the newspaper and he actually gives you the newspaper! :sneaky: This happened to me like...a month ago. After this, i agreed in having treatment :P

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