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Ghost Stories, release date: 19 May 2014


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lol, a weird thing going on on your subreddit has been users posting all the b sides with a title like "this is such an under rated song, not sure if anyone has heard it".


Like, get on my level man, I've heard all the besides already. I don't need a thread for every b side!


Ugh. :sad: Yes. :sad: I think someone earlier last month posted Warning Sign and said it was underrated. I laughed so hard, until I saw the upvotes and just -- I couldn't believe it.

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I agree that all of those type of posts are annoying, the X&Y love/hate discussion currently seems to be the big one that keeps popping up every couple of days at the moment, but honestly it doesn't really matter.


It's giving fans at all different stages of their Coldplay interest a chance to join in on discussions. I rarely get any new information out of them just as it seems you guys do, but I still like the fact that they're keeping the subreddit active.

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I agree that all of those type of posts are annoying, the X&Y love/hate discussion currently seems to be the big one that keeps popping up every couple of days at the moment, but honestly it doesn't really matter.


It's giving fans at all different stages of their Coldplay interest a chance to join in on discussions. I rarely get any new information out of them just as it seems you guys do, but I still like the fact that they're keeping the subreddit active.


Don't get me wrong man, I looove what the place has become. Two years ago, it had a whopping 65 subscribers, with a new post like once every two weeks, with maybe two comments. I'm sort of biased, because I've seen the place grow from nothing to this gorgeous, wonderfully friendly community.


I almost exclusively post in /r/Coldplay now because it just makes me happy to see everyone contributing. We're somehow nearing 3,400 subscribers now, that's just fucking awesome. I love the place.

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Because it means more work for you? :laugh3:
:lol::lol: LINKS EVERYWHERE OHGOD :dead:


Also I really don't get why some actually want the album to leak asap? I get that you're impatient to hear the album, but a leak 3 weeks before the official release would be absolutely awful for the band. We all know here that us big fans are going to buy the album anyway, but what about the hundreds of thousands who aren't big fans and who don't necessarily purchase music? Those are the ones who potentially make up the millions of sales when the album doesn't leak (or leaks like a day before the release) and if they see a leak now, they'll never actually buy it. So I really don't get why actual fans would support leaks.

So um ya I don't really feel SORRY that Coldplaying isn't the most "reliable" source for leaks.


/rant over

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:lol::lol: LINKS EVERYWHERE OHGOD :dead:

HAHAHAHAH!! um I mean yeah that will suck donkey bawlz :nod:


Also I really don't get why some actually want the album to leak asap?

Because some people on here are little impatient BRATS that's why.



So um ya I don't really feel SORRY that Coldplaying isn't the most "reliable" source for leaks.
[impatient brat modus on] lul u suk i haet everyting ;((((((((( [impatient brat modus off]
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yeah imagine typing "no link;please guys no link;ffs stop posting links guys lel e.t.c" all day long :laugh3:


If I was still a mod I'd probably ban just everyone HAHA




no I guess I'd start raging after the third link :saw:

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