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LP7- "A Head Full Of Dreams"

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A real drum kit!




Beat me to it lol


overproduced can mean two things, depending on what you mean by produced:


1) overproduced in the way that it was advertised too much, put in too many commercials, too many ads et cetera, which is not the case of coldplay


2) overproduced referring to the production and mixing of a song/album, when its overproduced you can't clearly hear some instruments in the mixing (ie bass, violing, even voice) or the mixing/volume of a track is wrong (ie voice too high that you feel pain when using earphones). This is coldplay's case a great example is Don't Let it Break your heart, a great song ruined by poor production


I completely agree with that. And 2) is what seems to be the case with MX. It does feel a little overproduced in that sense... however it still remains one of my fav albums to date. The songs are just so amazing IMO. But it'd be much, much better without the overproduction. If they haven't had overproduced it then it would have been miles better... now with AHFOD it's looking a lot like MX but I don't think they'll overproduce it. IMO AHFOD is going to be what MX could have been: the uplifting, upbeat songs of MX, but not overproduced. At least I hope that's what it is if it is to be related in any way to MX.


Had a dream last night that Coldplay had released their new song. Ran to go listen to it but right as I clicked play my alarm went off :blank:


Coincidentally, the song that woke me up was Life in Technicolor


Oh, and the new song was called "Hurts Like Hell" :lol:


If I had a dream like that I'd freak out when I woke up lol

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There are different kinds of production and mixing all with their strengths and weaknesses, and Coldplay has dabbled in just about all of it. MX went for bombast, and I personally think it mostly worked. On tracks like HLH, Charlie Brown, Paradise, ETIAW, I feel like the songs are exploding with detail even though they are blasting through your speakers. I love that production, but then on a great song like DLIBYH, they totally overdid it.


GS has the opposite problem in some cases. In attempting make every instrument clean and add "space" as Guy once said, the album was overmixed. Tracks like AIMH, Magic, Midnight all have really great mixes with detail and atmosphere that works. But I think that other tracks (and the album taken as a whole) have incredibly fabricated and glossy, as if they weren't played live in a studio, like they were rather pieced together with a computer and lots of treble.


This is my greatest concern for AHFOD. The songs need to feel organic, even if they include a lot of added production and sparks. Loud, explosive music is great, but you need to be able to make out each detail and instrument being played AND keep it interesting. Sure, on ASFOS you could hear the guitar and bass, but they are simply boring.


Imo Viva had the best production, which mixed a lot of strings and electronics with live instrumentation. Even if AHFOD is closer to MX, they can still achieve this perfect balance.

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I'm getting very impatient, like a spoilt child :laugh3: Coldplay give us the audio of the single while the music video is being edited!


Lol for a second I was going to have a heart attack. Because I thought you said that "Coldplay gave us the audio of the single while the music video is being edited!" But I guess if that was the case this forum would have been crashed already. I thought about it for a second, why the forum wasn't exploding if they gave us the audio of the single already. Then I reread your comment and noticed you said give instead of gave as if you were asking Coldplay to release the audio at least of the new single already. I get it now. My bad :P

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chris (and coldplay?) left india saturday night local time. so the bali gig was a hoax.


<blockquote class="instagram-media" data-instgrm-captioned data-instgrm-version="4" style=" background:#FFF; border:0; border-radius:3px; box-shadow:0 0 1px 0 rgba(0,0,0,0.5),0 1px 10px 0 rgba(0,0,0,0.15); margin: 1px; max-width:658px; padding:0; width:99.375%; width:-webkit-calc(100% - 2px); width:calc(100% - 2px);"><div style="padding:8px;"> <div style=" background:#F8F8F8; line-height:0; margin-top:40px; padding:50.0% 0; text-align:center; width:100%;"> <div style=" background:url(); display:block; height:44px; margin:0 auto -44px; position:relative; top:-22px; width:44px;"></div></div> <p style=" margin:8px 0 0 0; padding:0 4px;"> <a href="https://instagram.com/p/7impBzE-xK/" style=" color:#000; font-family:Arial,sans-serif; font-size:14px; font-style:normal; font-weight:normal; line-height:17px; text-decoration:none; word-wrap:break-word;" target="_top">#chrismartin#chris#coldplay#paradise#magic#ghoststories#stalkersu#followinghimfromtajtoairport#9899fortuner#crazydrive#life</a></p> <p style=" color:#c9c8cd; font-family:Arial,sans-serif; font-size:14px; line-height:17px; margin-bottom:0; margin-top:8px; overflow:hidden; padding:8px 0 7px; text-align:center; text-overflow:ellipsis; white-space:nowrap;">A photo posted by Akash Shah (@akishah24) on <time style=" font-family:Arial,sans-serif; font-size:14px; line-height:17px;" datetime="2015-09-12T18:31:06+00:00">Sep 12, 2015 at 11:31am PDT</time></p></div></blockquote>

<script async defer src="//platform.instagram.com/en_US/embeds.js"></script>


edit: can i just say..





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Only 2 places: india which was confirmed, but Indonesia as well which no one has been able to confirm yet


The only visual evidence of Indonesia is this pic. Some have suggested that it is only a video of an older gig, or more bizarrely, of a live web-caming of a performance




And it was originally confirmed via this post and the one right after it



HOWEVER, when visiting the link to the tweet, the page no longer exists, which suggests it wasn't real to begin with. The image still exists via their Instagram page though https://instagram.com/fairfuturefoundation/


Another aruguement against Indonesia is the picture itself where the patrons look uninterested and how no one else online has posted images/video of the supposed appearance, contrasted to when they showed up in India and shit blew up


And as posted by Grids, this user (https://twitter.com/iamstake) is saying they are in Indonesia, but he may just be echoing the rumours and has no first hand knowledge.


A headline for Sparky when he writes up an article: Where In The World Is Coldplay?


You said this: ''Some have suggested that it is only a video of an older gig''


I recognize it, I know where it is.. It is a picture of the last Ghost Stories concert in 2014.

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Though I literally cannot wait for this album, I always LOVE the excitement and anticipation around here. X&Y was the first cd I ever owned and I remember reading on the forums before Viva and MX before joining. I always love the excitement in this community, the guessing, speculating, being awake at unnatural hours just to hear something new, it's amazing.

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chris (and coldplay?) left india saturday night local time. so the bali gig was a hoax.


*insert Instagram pic here which won't show up for whatever reason*


Thanks for clearing it up. Yeah if it wasn't a hoax there'd be much more pics of it. There was only one pic of it which was rumored to be from Indonesia, but it turned out it was from Ghost Stories as the guy two comments above me mentions. It all makes sense now.


In other news I'm like so excited for the album I keep refreshing this page every 5 seconds when I'm not posting a comment in case there's any news or anything. You know it'll happen eventually which makes it fun. :P


edit: can i just say..





Lol :thumbsup:

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Though I literally cannot wait for this album, I always LOVE the excitement and anticipation around here. X&Y was the first cd I ever owned and I remember reading on the forums before Viva and MX before joining. I always love the excitement in this community, the guessing, speculating, being awake at unnatural hours just to hear something new, it's amazing.

Part of that excitement comes from the guessing game I think, Coldplay's knack for experimentation keeps the fans on their toes. There's a constant discussion pondering on what direction they're going to take: Some want something more reminiscent of their older work, some people would like a more electronic album, I think most people don't care as long as it's Coldplay! Coldplay aren't the ones to make the same album over and over again, whether you necessarily like that or not, it makes absolutely no difference. You're still excited to hear what they come out with. All we now is that it's going to be a "happy" album, That's vague enough to be anything. We could get an Indian inspired flute single for all we know, that's whats great... The anticipation. Whereas other bands (Like Oasis) continually make an imitation of their debut and the fans know what to expect.

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level of hatred for chris[/url]... the guy is basically the nicest guy there is and very careful not to offend anybody. still the nasty misconceptions are around..




I know this guy/gal isn't the only one to ever post a biased news story, but jeez. As a reporter, I get unusually annoyed whenever I see an article using a biased tone or language, and this one is particularly bad.


Also, agreed with samerater about the Apple comment :lol:

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level of hatred for chris[/url]... the guy is basically the nicest guy there is and very careful not to offend anybody. still the nasty misconceptions are around..


he Coldplay frontman apparently had threatened to pull the music video crew out of Mumbai and shoot it at Bengaluru because a vegetarian fare would have reminded him of Gwyneth


I mean this is simply not true, a small modicum of common sense needs to be applied, even if you are a pretentious, sneering "journalist" ... That reminds me of a rumour that someone would make up in the school yard :rolleyes: All of these articles that try to denigrate Chris always follow the same basic formula: Try to make him out as a self important, arrogant pop star who only cares about himself, say he is a Bono wannabe and then, rather ironically, rebut themselves in the same article by complaining about his charity work. They clearly have never listened to Coldplay past Fix You, or done any sort of research on Chris himself. If they did they would realise he's the most down to earth and humble guy who has tried his hardest not to let fame go to his head. Pompous, ignorant articles like this annoy me to no end.

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ignorant "journalists". anyway, getting back on point, some new pics. you can see the jacket clearer in these. there seem to be big blotches of color in some places.











So without all of the Holi paint, the outfits look more VLV than MX

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