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===The ultimate Oldplaying Thread===S, BS, TBR, P, AROBTTH, X&Y, VLV, PM===

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I'm confident AHFOD will be as great as x&y. [emoji111]ļø


You are very positive about AHFOD. Seeing the trend of Coldplay's music since 2008, I expect the contrary. It is highly unlikely that AHFOD will see a sound /themes from a time long gone by resurface all of a sudden. For me, it's not only the sound of their earlier works but also their themes and Coldplay have moved so far away from both.

Unless you mean "great" in terms of good pop music, which is something they could achieve if they try har enough.

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I don't wanna spoil your positive anticipation, but that's just one person's (in this case, @awardchris's) subjective opinion. There are plenty of Coldplay songs other people love and find great that I don't like, so the only thing I can really wait for is hearing it myself. Of course I will listen to the album when it comes out, but if all our indications about its sound and feel are right I will not buy it and there won't be much to look forward to.

Even Ghost Stories had one song I loved though (Ghost Story), so I have faith in Coldplay for that one great song that will hopefully be in AHFOD.

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I don't wanna spoil your positive anticipation, but that's just one person's (in this case, @awardchris's) subjective opinion. There are plenty of Coldplay songs other people love and find great that I don't like, so the only thing I can really wait for is hearing it myself. Of course I will listen to the album when it comes out, but if all our indications about its sound and feel are right I will not buy it and there won't be much to look forward to.

Even Ghost Stories had one song I loved though (Ghost Story), so I have faith in Coldplay for that one great song that will hopefully be in AHFOD.


I know everyone has different opinions on the band's songs. For example, for me True Love has become one of my favorite Coldplay songs, definitely on my top 5 list of favorite songs. I just want to hear the new single so bad. [emoji51]

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I've just watched this video and it reminded me this thread


I have seen the 2 meter sessies before, I think someone posted it here. One of the best live/interview combinations of the Parachutes Era ! And it has Harmless and We Never Change in it... :thumbsup:

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I didn't like See You Soon when I heard the recording, but the Live 2003 version is so much better ! It's rare for me to prefer a live version over an album one, but here it is true.

Really? I think it's quite possibly one of their greatest songs (Top 5 even) When you talk to Coldplay detractors there's in my experience, two songs they admit to liking. See You Soon and Violet Hill. If any tries to claim Chris is a bad lyricist, I point them to this song.


I think the band we're trying to achieve a very intimate atmosphere on the AROBTTH tour. Can't believe I missed out on it.

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A Rush of Blood To The Head (the song) also has great lyrics. About See you Soon, I don't know. My liking for music is very melody-driven, and I found the melody in See You Soon not as convincing or strong as melodies of other Coldplay songs during that time.


And same here, I was born a decade too late to appreciate the great Oldplay Eras. How I wish i could attend the AROBTTH and Twisted Logic Tours now..

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I was trying to organize my bookcase the other day and I came across the VLV tour book. And what a delight it was. I must have spent about an hour going through it again, admiring all the astonishing artwork and pictures; AND the lyrics, AND the fonts and everything else. I'm still amazed to this day how brilliant that album turned out to be especially after how anxious everyone was about what would come after X&Y and how they could evolve.


Obviously the nostalgia is mixed with a sense of disappointment and uneasiness, because of what followed. Bittersweet indeed!

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Watch this. Goosebumps.




Whenever someone posts a video or anything from that performance I just get chills because no one knew any of those ARoBttH songs and the crowd still goes absolutely insane over them.


Like, can you imagine the soft little indie rock band that started out with Parachutes deciding to live debut half their songs from an unreleased album during their headline at Glastonbury and then coming out with freaking Politik?


Coldplay banked their career on that performance and freaking knocked it out of the park.

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Whenever someone posts a video or anything from that performance I just get chills because no one knew any of those ARoBttH songs and the crowd still goes absolutely insane over them.


Like, can you imagine the soft little indie rock band that started out with Parachutes deciding to live debut half their songs from an unreleased album during their headline at Glastonbury and then coming out with freaking Politik?


Coldplay banked their career on that performance and freaking knocked it out of the park.


Not to mention the out-of-the-world giant green lazer then went over everyone's heads during Clocks. Damn that must have so epic!

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^ If Coldplay ever makes another song that's half as epic as Clocks is in both the studio and live version, I will die happy.




Not half as good as the live versions from the Twisted Logic tour, obviously. That would be impossible because they're perfect and nothing that anyone ever does will come close to touching them. Especially Toronto 2006 :snobby:


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^ If Coldplay ever makes another song that's half as epic as Clocks is in both the studio and live version, I will die happy.




Not half as good as the live versions from the Twisted Logic tour, obviously. That would be impossible because they're perfect and nothing that anyone ever does will come close to touching them. Especially Toronto 2006 :snobby:


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I never understood exactly why they decided not to release that as a DVD like they were intending. I've probably said this before somewhere on here, but half of those songs they played during those concerts are now my favorite versions (even ahead of the studio versions). Square One, GPASUYF, What If, HYStW, Don't Panic, The Scientist, TKC, Clocks, SitS, and Fix You. That's over half of the songs from that stupid concert :lol:

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