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===The ultimate Oldplaying Thread===S, BS, TBR, P, AROBTTH, X&Y, VLV, PM===

I ran away

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Somebody voted to eliminate White Shadows in the latest round of the Singles elimination game and I felt offended because it's one of my all-time favourite CP songs lol. Who cares if it was more a special release than a single[\QUOTE]

I thought the same when I read that. Probably more of a pretext to get rid of a sing she doesn't like :D




I'm going to naively believe that they haven't really sold out :cry2: Obviously their musical influences changed drastically, especially with Chris who happens to be the centre of their music writing.[...]They're also in a very different place in life now; they're well-adjusted guys who are almost 40 with beautiful families, they're long over the age of insecurity, angst and rebellion.[...]I'm sure it's possible for them to be experimental and keep to the alt rock roots at the same time.

You listed some very valid reasons for their changes there. A little more insecurity would do them well, song-wise, I believe. It could really be there position in life. It makes me wonder whether I would be as melancholic as today by the time I am 38. I think I would (yeah, I'm not a multimillion rockstar but still, I believe I would).

The weird thing is that actually Chris's marital split could have made him turn to melancholic alt rock again, but no, it made him go to sugary electropop and the need to probably write lots more "Oh-we-are-all-so-blessed-and-happy" songs.

But I wish I could be as hopeful as you are, too.

Look at all this footage from earlier and then look at them now...they are so different from what they used to be.

Someone wrote somewhere that he believes Coldplay has lost its soul. Unfortunately, I believe this person is right.

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I have the urge to lock Chris up and drown him in some good old rock music :laugh3:


Can you lock him up together with me as well? I would like to talk some sense into him













Amongst other things
















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Okay, I think we should pull a Brian Eno and separate him from the rest for a while so you talk to Chris and I'll talk to the other 3

Yas we shall do that :nod:

With me, bats. With me. With. Me.
Okay ur invited if u bring chocolate
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If we can get Apple and Moses to stop listening to them, we may have a chance.


Lol exactly. It's weird, what parent likes to listen to their kids/teenage music when it's music like that!

When they are around 18 and start realizing how great Coldplay's first albums are, they might tell their dad: OMG :shocked2:, how did you go from writing songs with depth and meaning like Politik, Amsterdam, Spies and square one to writing about skies with stars, butterfly's and unicorns (LOL:P). How did that happen!

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This evening I met two friends that were Oldplay fans like us. They left the boat after MX, and made me think of my relationship with the band.

I mean, I'm not the kind of person you can influence so much, but I feel like I'm in desperate need of something that won't come back for years, maybe never again.

I hate to be always nostalgic about the past, but as the time flies away, I ask myself if it's worth the wait or it is time to let things go and forget everything.

There's a lot of music out there that I listen to everyday that means so much to me, but nothing compares to what they represented in my youth.

Maybe I just need to prove myself that my youth has gone forever and this scares me because I don't know what it's in front of me now, and they are one of the strongest connection to the memories of what was my life in those years.

Maybe I was wrong to let them get so deep in my soul, maybe not, idk. I only know I decided that after AHFOD I will officially end my adventure as a CP fan. I will listen to most of the things they will do in the future, if they want to, but the feeling is not the same anymore.

It's the end of a big chapter of my life, not always filled with good memories, but I lived it the best that I could, now it's time to turn the page. I only hope that this one will close with a last masterpiece song, I know they won't fail this mission.

Eternally grateful to Guy, Jonny, Will & Chris


P.S. Sorry for the long personal post. It can be read as an OT, but it's not for me. Wanted to share my thoughts with you because I know you can understand me.

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I only hope that this one will close with a last masterpiece song, I know they won't fail this mission.

Eternally grateful to Guy, Jonny, Will & Chris

Beautiful post. It is amazing how music can engrave itself into our lives. You often here "It's only a band" but these people fail to realise the extent Coldplay plays in our lives. It really does become an extension onto your existence. The first 3 albums for me have become the soundtrack of my life over the years and it really doesn't matter what they come out with now, they gave me those albums and I'll be eternally in debt to the band for it.


I also think one last masterpiece is a realistic aim to aspire to. I think us Oldplayer's should adopt it as our mantra. No matter how many Amazing Day's are on the album. If we get one Don't Panic, Trouble, Everything's not Lost, Politik, AROBTTH, The Scientist, SOS, Fix You etc etc It will have been worth the wait.

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This evening I met two friends that were Oldplay fans like us. They left the boat after MX, and made me think of my relationship with the band.

I mean, I'm not the kind of person you can influence so much, but I feel like I'm in desperate need of something that won't come back for years, maybe never again.

I hate to be always nostalgic about the past, but as the time flies away, I ask myself if it's worth the wait or it is time to let things go and forget everything.

There's a lot of music out there that I listen to everyday that means so much to me, but nothing compares to what they represented in my youth.

Maybe I just need to prove myself that my youth has gone forever and this scares me because I don't know what it's in front of me now, and they are one of the strongest connection to the memories of what was my life in those years.

Maybe I was wrong to let them get so deep in my soul, maybe not, idk. I only know I decided that after AHFOD I will officially end my adventure as a CP fan. I will listen to most of the things they will do in the future, if they want to, but the feeling is not the same anymore.

It's the end of a big chapter of my life, not always filled with good memories, but I lived it the best that I could, now it's time to turn the page. I only hope that this one will close with a last masterpiece song, I know they won't fail this mission.

Eternally grateful to Guy, Jonny, Will & Chris


P.S. Sorry for the long personal post. It can be read as an OT, but it's not for me. Wanted to share my thoughts with you because I know you can understand me.

Damn that was very heartfelt, I can relate to you so much!


To me it's like this: No matter in which direction Coldplay will head to, no matter how much I might despise their new stuff, I know they had it in them to create the first four masterpieces of albums which melodies engraved themselves into my brain eternally. There is always this warm background hum in the depths of my mind whenever I read or hear something related to this band. It's so weirdly intimate, it doesn't matter where I am at the moment, or what I'm doing, if I'm somehow reminded of Coldplay I instantly have a rush of somewhat nostalgic, but comforting emotions washing over me.


So I suppose I could never leave this band, they're managed to get too deep into my head. It's hard leaving something that you grew up with I guess..


That's why I'm always trying not to dwell so much on the songs when I play them and just absent-mindedly hum along, otherwise I get emotional as hell and don't enjoy the music anymore hah




Sometimes I hate these four men for making me like them so mucH DAMMIT :angry:

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how did you go from writing songs with depth and meaning like Politik, Amsterdam, Spies and square one to writing about skies with stars, butterfly's and unicorns (LOL:P). How did that happen!


Don't we all ask that question everytime we think about Coldplay as they are now compared to as they were back then ?

Maybe we should write an open letter of Oldplayers to Chris and the band some day !


@beastwars: Aww, I totally understand and feel you. I know, I am myself emotionally attached to many Coldplay songs (even if I did not know Coldplay before 2011/2012, and have been a real fan for probably only 2 years) and whenever I hear stuff out of AROBTTH ox X&Y and so on I think, yes, this is my band. And then I see a live performance of them nowadays like iHeart Radio or hear Ghost Stories and I think, I'm mistaken, this is not my band after all. I know it's hard to bear and even harder if you have grown up with them. You think you have found something like your soulmates in music, kindred minds to your own, only to find that they were not like you thought them to be. I hope you and other Oldplayers will not leave the forum after AHFOD though - people like you are needed and loved in here ! :) i don't wanna end up with only the MX-ASFOS crowd to talk to in this forum.


@Batman: Yeah, getting emotional is something i know too. The opening organ sound of Fix You can bring literal tears to my face, as does What If and a few other songs that are connected to a particular hard time in my life...


And why is it that What If or We Never Change or Such a Rush or A Rush of Blood To The Head make my head burst with emotions when I listen to them and the likes of Ink and True Love don't ? What got lost over the years in music business, Coldplay ? When did your soul quietly slip away from your music ?

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This evening I met two friends that were Oldplay fans like us. They left the boat after MX, and made me think of my relationship with the band.

I mean, I'm not the kind of person you can influence so much, but I feel like I'm in desperate need of something that won't come back for years, maybe never again.

I hate to be always nostalgic about the past, but as the time flies away, I ask myself if it's worth the wait or it is time to let things go and forget everything.

There's a lot of music out there that I listen to everyday that means so much to me, but nothing compares to what they represented in my youth.

Maybe I just need to prove myself that my youth has gone forever and this scares me because I don't know what it's in front of me now, and they are one of the strongest connection to the memories of what was my life in those years.

Maybe I was wrong to let them get so deep in my soul, maybe not, idk. I only know I decided that after AHFOD I will officially end my adventure as a CP fan. I will listen to most of the things they will do in the future, if they want to, but the feeling is not the same anymore.

It's the end of a big chapter of my life, not always filled with good memories, but I lived it the best that I could, now it's time to turn the page. I only hope that this one will close with a last masterpiece song, I know they won't fail this mission.

Eternally grateful to Guy, Jonny, Will & Chris


P.S. Sorry for the long personal post. It can be read as an OT, but it's not for me. Wanted to share my thoughts with you because I know you can understand me.


People change, personal taste changes, musicians change. That's the way of life. If the difference has become too big, there is no point in keeping the "love" to the artist artificially alive. I had to discover that myself when I noticed that a particular artist I used to love several years ago just produced crap nowadays. It can feel bad to end a musical chapter but this is how progress works. Stopping following a band allows you to spend more time discovering other music that you may have never heard before. And who knows, maybe you will find a band that will be as important to you as Coldplay.


The good thing is: no one can take their old releases away from you. You will always be able to listen to them.

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If we can get Apple and Moses to stop listening to them, we may have a chance.


Lol exactly. It's weird, what parent likes to listen to their kids/teenage music when it's music like that!

When they are around 18 and start realizing how great Coldplay's first albums are, they might tell their dad: OMG , how did you go from writing songs with depth and meaning like Politik, Amsterdam, Spies and square one to writing about skies with stars, butterfly's and unicorns (LOL). How did that happen!


I think there is truth to both your posts... Chris may well like corny / pop sounds anyway but I think part of it is related to trying to connect to his young kids - which dad wouldn't want to be cool for his own kids? So it probably follows that he will take an interest in some of the music his kids listen to anyway... we may well have Apple and Moses to *thank* for the changes to his song-writing - it may be somewhat difficult writing about insecurity when you're trying to be strong for your kids. And of course skies, butterflies and unicorns will show up in your song-writing when that's what you sing when you're tucking your kids in to bed lol :laugh3:

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Love all your heartfelt deliveries :wacky:


Personnaly I'm still hopeful for Coldplay. But it's just not a good phase for them I think. They're not young anymore, yet they're not really mature artists neither. It'll be better in 7-10 years I think.


It's just an awkward time to be a Coldplay fan but it's gonna change after a few albums, I'm quite confident about it :)



(but this doesn't stop me at the moment from being angry and frustrated and moaning about them becoming greedy sellouts)

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Dangit guys I did not come to this thread for feels :bigcry:


I know what you all mean, though. I can remember all those years ago the moment I fell in love with Coldplay: the first time I heard "Clocks." My mom had it on a CD she played in her car, and I would basically make her play it on repeat all the way to our destination :P Eventually I asked her who it was by and I started looking for more songs by that band and oh my goodness, it was like I had stumbled into a perfect soundtrack for my life.


I bought Clocks and Viva la Vida, then (strangely enough) How You See the World, then Yellow, Trouble, Fix You, Speed of Sound, and Talk. Eventually I went out and bought Viva and the Prospekt's March EP and those two became the only things I listened to for months at a time. Of course, that led to X&Y and ARoBttH and Parachutes and here I am today :D


I can't help but wonder, though, if the first song by Coldplay that I had stumbled upon been ETiaW or Charlie Brown or ASFoS, would I have fallen in love like I did? Would I have loved the song so much that I would have spent my precious, limited computer time searching for and listening to their other songs? I don't think I would have . . . There's a magic to those songs off the first four albums that I have never been able to and will never be able to describe. It gets in my heart and soul and I'm 102% sure those first four albums have helped shape who I am today.


And that's why, even if the rest of the music they make until the day they die is something that I don't like, I'm going to stick with them. I owe Coldplay so much for all that they've given me since the time I was 12 years old. I'm going to give them that chance no matter what because if I don't I may as well rip out my entire teenage existence.



That got long and sappy, whoops


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People change, personal taste changes, musicians change. That's the way of life. If the difference has become too big, there is no point in keeping the "love" to the artist artificially alive. I had to discover that myself when I noticed that a particular artist I used to love several years ago just produced crap nowadays. It can feel bad to end a musical chapter but this is how progress works. Stopping following a band allows you to spend more time discovering other music that you may have never heard before. And who knows, maybe you will find a band that will be as important to you as Coldplay.

Great post and all crucial points. I cannot urge people enough to go out there and try to discover artists who could potentially change your life more so than Coldplay ever could. I was always lucky in that my life was consumed by other bands before getting into Coldplay, namely Pink floyd, U2 and Anathema. So the whole transition from obsession to total apathy and detachment has been easier for me. Not that easy since it took a long time but it did happen. Coldplay's music happens to be emotionally infectious which I believe is the sole reason why people are sill around.


I also like the fact I allow myself to read and analyze a lot of what the more genuine and professional critics say about their music, which further reinforce your own critique of the band, because they're mostly right.


But this is all life's natural course obviously. Evolution of sound and your own tastes. OR, it could just be that your favorite band is now making crap music!

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