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The Butterfly Package - AHFOD Live Album/Movie


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Some thoughts on the new UATW release.


Most people seem to like the new silver bird part, but I liked the song for its humbleness, while this new addition makes it a bit too… grand? for me personally.


About the production: I applaud them for not editing in excessive amounts of crowd noise for once. Also, Jonny sounds amazing, especially at the beginning.


But what the hell happened to Will’s voice? His part sounds so autotuned and/or otherwise processed he almost sounds robotic to me. Or am I just crazy? Haven’t seen anyone else mention this.


On the Butterfly release as a whole, I’m happy that they’re putting out (almost) full concerts this time, that’s a nice change from Live 2012. The mix of live performances and documentary didn’t work well in my opinion. I always skip around to watch just the performances.


That said, I kind of wish they’d just put out more live stuff. As others have mentioned, this past tour had many special one-offs. I would find it more satisfactory to have a selection of concerts with a variety of setlists instead of just two “definitive” and highly-edited ones to listen to over and over again. Some bands release each and every concert.


Anyway, I'm still looking forward to watching and listening to the release, and curious what they'll be like.

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Theory time.


Why is the total album length on the Amazon Store for the live album 9:38. (9mins38secs) when the total will obviously be longer than that.?

With Viva La Vida the initial release with 4:11 seconds, some quick maths means (5mins27) is the remaining mystery listed time of album. This is 1. A bug.. or 2. Another track is coming soon off this release, perhaps something around the 5min27sec mark.


quick video analysis of recordings, I'm thinking yellow makes sense.


Just a theory.


Im bored


I love Coldplay. 1728523965_ScreenShot2018-10-29at2_32_15am.png.74fa6b10c3dae727acb219b7c4d6d60f.png

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I've just been looking on the PPL Repertoire and these came up under 2017...


Viva la Vida [Live] GBAYE1701608

Clocks [Live] GBAYE1701609

Paradise [Live] GBAYE1701610

Adventure Of A Lifetime [Live] GBAYE1701611

Everglow [Live] GBAYE1701612

Charlie Brown [Live] GBAYE1701613

Hymn For The Weekend [Live] GBAYE1701614

Fix You [Live] GBAYE1701615

All I Can Think About Is You [Live] GBAYE1701616

Something Just Like This [Live] GBAYE1701617

A Sky Full Of Stars [Live] GBAYE1701618

Up&Up [Live] GBAYE1701619


Magic [Live At Tokyo Dome City Hall] GBAYE1700566

Clocks [Live At Tokyo Dome City Hall] GBAYE1700567

Viva La Vida [Live At Tokyo Dome City Hall] GBAYE1700568

Oceans [Live At Tokyo Dome City Hall] GBAYE1700569

A Sky Full of Stars [Live At Tokyo Dome City Hall] GBAYE1700570

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I've just been looking on the PPL Repertoire and these came up under 2017...


Viva la Vida [Live] GBAYE1701608

Clocks [Live] GBAYE1701609

Paradise [Live] GBAYE1701610

Adventure Of A Lifetime [Live] GBAYE1701611

Everglow [Live] GBAYE1701612

Charlie Brown [Live] GBAYE1701613

Hymn For The Weekend [Live] GBAYE1701614

Fix You [Live] GBAYE1701615

All I Can Think About Is You [Live] GBAYE1701616

Something Just Like This [Live] GBAYE1701617

A Sky Full Of Stars [Live] GBAYE1701618

Up&Up [Live] GBAYE1701619


Magic [Live At Tokyo Dome City Hall] GBAYE1700566

Clocks [Live At Tokyo Dome City Hall] GBAYE1700567

Viva La Vida [Live At Tokyo Dome City Hall] GBAYE1700568

Oceans [Live At Tokyo Dome City Hall] GBAYE1700569

A Sky Full of Stars [Live At Tokyo Dome City Hall] GBAYE1700570



What’s a PPL Repertoire?

AICTAIY (Live) would complete my life XD

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It would be awesome both!

And it seems that the Fix You video will contain a lot of footage from Paris. Here’s few screenshots taken from the “A Head Full Of Dreams” trailer and “The Butterfly Packege” promo.

[ATTACH=full]8007[/ATTACH] [ATTACH=full]8006[/ATTACH] [ATTACH=full]8005[/ATTACH]

I know the last two pics are from the trailer and show the second Paris concert on July 16, but is the first pic from the Butterfly package promo ?

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I just noticed that the shots in the Butterfly promo video of Fix You immediately afterwards are definitely not from Paris the 16th of July (compared the arrangement of confetti stuck on Chris's face on those shots with my own footage from that day :D), so probably back to Sao Paulo. Hm, my biggest hopes for a full Paris Fix You feature are on the AHFOD Documentary Film, but who knows. Even if we just get a few shots this makes me excited ! Such a great song and moment during the concerts.

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I just noticed that the shots in the Butterfly promo video of Fix You immediately afterwards are definitely not from Paris the 16th of July (compared the arrangement of confetti stuck on Chris's face on those shots with my own footage from that day :D), so probably back to Sao Paulo. Hm, my biggest hopes for a full Paris Fix You feature are on the AHFOD Documentary Film, but who knows. Even if we just get a few shots this makes me excited ! Such a great song and moment during the concerts.

I think that most of the footage from Paris is from the 15th because there were a lot cameras during that night: steadycams and even a dolly (a camera that walks on a track, usually used in film making).

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I think that most of the footage from Paris is from the 15th because there were a lot cameras during that night: steadycams and even a dolly (a camera that walks on a track, usually used in film making).

Yeah, I know this was supposed to be the main filming night. Still, those running scenes that are definitely from the 16th (flag!) give me hope :)

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