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What is the most underrated Coldplay song and album? What about overrated?


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I saw a thread like this on the U2 forum site, so I want to hear what the Coldplayers have to say... What are Coldplay's most underrated and/or overrated songs/albums?


My Opinions


Overrated Song- I would say Clocks. It's a brilliant song and everything, but I wouldn't say that it deserves ALL the things that it got. It's not the Coldplay song I would have given Record of the Year to, it's not the Coldplay song I would say is one of the 500 greatest songs ever written, and I wouldn't say it's their best...just a thought.


Underrated Song- Don't hunt me down or anything, but I would say Twisted Logic. It gets this wrap as being a complete Radiohead rip-off, but I don't see it. I'm also willing to say that this song is better than many Radiohead songs in terms of music quality. Sure, the lyrics are cheeky, and it's definitely not their best, but it's my favorite song off of :x&y:X&Y and I think people are incredibly overlooking it.


Overrated Album- This is probably going to get me banned, but I'd say :arobtth:A Rush Of Blood to the Head. This is truly a brilliant album, but there were flaws there that counteract the praise it gets from fans and critics alike. A Whisper is a little dull and very repetitive, Amsterdam is a personal yawn for me, and the guitars (both acoustic and electric) on Green Eyes sound awful together. I wish it was a really dark piece that had a lot more material like Politik, GPASUYF, AROBTTH, The Scientist, and Daylight. That said, my second favorite Coldplay album.


Underrated Album- :gs:Ghost Stories, by far. This got as bad of a wrap as :x&y:X&Y from critics that I can't see how it was deserved. Every tune on this album (with the possible exception of Another's Arms) is at the bare minimum listenable. The beautiful electronics and synths coupled with the gorgeous falsetto make for a beautiful, yet heartbreaking album. It's raw emotion at its finest, and I hope that its critical opinion does a 180 like Bob Dylan's Blood on the Tracks (another good heartbreak album) did.

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Underrated Song-- This is a tough one because I think so many people like all of Coldplay's discography. If I had to pick a few though that I think don't get enough appreciation it would be: Daylight, A Whisper, Spies, 42, Yes, Major Minus, and Another's Arms.


Overrated Song--I am going to pick A Sky Full of Stars. I should mention that not many reviews I read were into this song, so maybe it isn't overrated at all, but I think on this forum was, especially after the "out of ten" poll. This song just really isn't good to me. Such a good melody and idea that just really didn't come out well in the final product. Really surprised it got nominated for so many awards when it really didn't do anything groundbreaking or original.


Underrated Album--The problem with this one is that all of their albums are really stinking good. I am going to say Ghost Stories. I had A LOT of issues with this album as a hardcore Coldplay fan but I don't think it deserved a lot of the criticisms it got from major magazines and reviewers. On this forum I might say MX. It is such a good album except for a few tracks near the end and deserves more credit I think.


Overrated Album: Is there such a thing? All their albums deserve praise. On this forum I would say Ghost Stories though, I think it gets a lot of heavy praise from fans despite some things I didn't like at all.

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Underrated song

Definitely Prospekt's March/Poppyfields. It's one of my all-time favourite songs but it seems to get less attention than it deserves. Other candidates for underrated songs would be A Rush of Blood to the Head, Cemeteries of London, Yes, Death And All His Friends, and All Your Friends.


Overrated song

I'd pick Viva La Vida. Don't get me wrong, I think it's quite a good song but for all the extreme praise that it got (Grammy for Song of the Year) I think it is overrated. It's my least favourite song on the album. (Maybe that's because I've heard it 188462801837 times on the radio.)


Underrated Album

I choose Prospekt's March. I know it's not a "real" album but rather an EP, but I like it so much that I had to choose it. It was a small release without any media attention but it's my second-favourite Coldplay album (after VLV). It shows again how good their B-sides are. Except for Lost+ with Jay-Z, I'd rate every song on this record with 5*.


Overrated Album

Mylo Xyloto. Although many Coldplayers reacted rather reserved to this album, it sold quite well and was at least economically a real success. It's my least favourite Coldplay album because of the electronic candy-pop sound. There are some good songs on the album but in my opinion they would have been better if they hadn't been overproduced.

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Underrated Song


So many to pick from - Death and all his Friends/Swallowed in the Sea/Rainy Day to name a few, but if I had to go for one it would be Trouble. Never hear much love for it, which I can't understand as the piano riff is an iconic Coldplay sound for me, and it is an overall stunning song imo.


Overrated Song


Clocks - still a fantastic, iconic song, yet one which Im not that excited to listen to.


Underrated Album


Parachutes for me. Some gems like Shiver, Sparks, Trouble, ENL/Life is for living. The album is the perfect length and flows really well too, maybe because it is so old now is why no one talks about it that much anymore!


Overrated Album


This is hard, but I would say Mylo Xyloto. Even though it has songs which I would consider classic Coldplay like HLH, ETIAW and Paradise, there are some real duds for me such as UFO, Up in Flames, DLIBYH and Major Minus. I don't think it works particularly well as an album/doesn't flow well - still I like it enough to listen to most of the songs on it, and the MX era had the best live shows and visual look.

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Nothing Coldplay does is overrated (although I don't get into Fix You/The Scientist like most do). :cool:


Most underrated song is definitely Speed of Sound. Most underrated album is probably X&Y... I don't know why some people seem to hate it so much. I love the whole galactic sound of it.

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  • 3 weeks later...

In my opinion:


Overrated Song - The Scientist

I like the lyrics of the song, and understand it's a ballad but over time the piano does become repetitive. I also dislike how it sounds so thin and hollow at the beginning of the song. With that said, I still think it's a good song, I just don't understand the praise it gets. I could say the same about Trouble.


Overrated Album - A Rush of Blood to the Head

Again, this is an amazing album, but it really does show its age sometimes. Specifically the electric guitar on Politik, Warning Sign and A Whisper. Overall it just isn't as good as people make it out to be.


Underrated Song - Warning Sign

I did mention previously that the electric guitar shows its age on this track, however that doesn't make it a bad song by any means. This is my personal favourite song from AROBTTH, and one of my favourites that Coldplay has ever made. It's sad to see that not many people outside of the Coldplay fanbase are aware of this masterpiece.


Underrated Album - Ghost Stories

I feel like the majority of hate this album gets is because it's new. Personally it's some of Coldplay's best work, including masterpieces like Midnight and O.

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Underrated song: Twisted Logic. I don't know if there is a song more ignored or pushed aside than Twisted Logic. With every other album closer, you hear about it all the time -- but with Twisted Logic? Nothing. It's an incredible song from beginning to end.


Overrated song: Fix You. Maybe I just listened to it too much early on in becoming a fan, but the song is by far the weakest of their big hits, as far as I'm concerned. The climax is very good, and I'll give it that, but I can't tell you the last time I listened to the entirety of Fix You.


Underrated album: X&Y, forever. I've talked about it often, but to me, this album just personifies what Coldplay is all about. It's without a doubt my favorite release Coldplay has ever put out, and in my top five albums of all-time.


Overrated album: Viva La Vida. I almost hate to say it too, because Viva was the album that got me into Coldplay. (The day it released, nonetheless!) While I adore the experimental aspect of it, the beautiful artwork (my personal favorite in terms of covers) and how they managed to totally redefine themselves, I can never bring myself to listen to the entire album in one sitting. I don't know what it is. In pieces and bits, Viva manages to highly capture my attention, but it only takes about three songs before I have to skip around the rest of the album. (Ironically, with Mylo Xyloto, it is so much better as a whole than in separate pieces.) I suppose I just find X&Y and even Mylo to be a better a representation of the band than Viva, although I wouldn't mind more experimentation in the future.

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Guest howyousawtheworld

Underrated song: Violet Hill - this song has attitude. It's a great song with a great powerful vocal performance and such a crunching guitar performance. The bass and the marching drums just make the song smash along. Hearing it for the hundredth time is still as refreshing and powerful as the first time.


Overrated song: Fix You. Being used to manipulate every 'emotional' moment in trash tv does this one for me. I hate it and I love it at the same time. It's cliche ridden but I can't deny it does its job very well. BUT, it's more than plenty.


Underrated album: Viva La Vida - everyone had their knives sharpened for Coldplay after releasing X&Y yet begrudgingly for the critics they couldn't bring themselves to dismantle it to pieces because they realised this was an album of quality and ambition there. So many settled for the three star, safe option score, just to make sure they weren't prepared to big them up anything beyond it. Their most eclectic and adventurous album made containing some of the best songs they've ever made.


Overrated album: Ghost Stories - Doesn't have the depth or textures that make you want to come back to it, musically or lyrically (Another's Arms is an utterly atrocious set of lyrics I'm afraid). Once you've listened to it once or twice, you don't really need to go back to it. It's a strange album because it contains Midnight which is one of the best and most ambitious things they've ever done. You can see they want to take a big leap into the unexpected but they always step back into safe territory as heard with songs like True Love, Oceans and Ink which turn out to be filler material. A Sky Full Of Stars stands as a commercial cop out on an album that should have been an ambitious leap forward.

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Overrated song: The Scientist. I just don't get into it as much.


Underrated song: Daylight. Most people haven't even heard of this song. Like HOW?????? WTF this song is amazing! Most people call it diarrhea-ish when they hear it, but I don't think so. That's The Hardest Part, if you look at the lyrics.


Overrated album: Ghost Stories. Terrible, by far.


Underrated album: X&Y. The 13 track listing ruined it for some people and complaints that it was too long...well yes in some ways but think about it! More CP songs to listen to!

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OVERRATED SONG: viva la vida. i feel that it is the weakest song on the album. for me it's not as unique as the rest of the songs.

OVERRATED ALBUM: a rush of blood to the head. don't kill me! haha. it's a great album but i think that x&y is even better.


UNDERRATED SONG: what if. incredible song, my second favorite after politik, i always tear up after hearing it.

UNDERRATED ALBUM: x&y. I feel that x&y is one of their best because of the overall sound of the album, sure the lyrics are not amazing but that album's sound is better than gs or mylo in my opinion. second best album only behind viva.

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  • 4 months later...

Most overrated album:A Rush Of Blood To The Head- Besides Amsterdam,I Ran Away and a couple others,the album is pretty bland.


Most overrated song:Shiver...good but not that good,wonder why it gets inordinate praise...


Most Underrated album:I've got two here-X&Y and Mylo Xyloto.I think most fans got acclimatised to AROBTTH and expected X&Y to be more of the same,so I can understand their grouse with it.However it is by far my best album.I can go through 2 sittings without skipping a song!

Mylo Xyloto is a deviation from conventional Coldplay.The Electropop sounds the heavy use of synths e.t.c may have angered some fans,but I consider it wonderful.Paradise,Princess Of China,Major Minus & Charlie Brown are among my favourites here.


Most Underated Song: 3 songs make the cut,42,Low and Yes.

42 is absolutely remarkable,no chorus,3 different parts and still enjoyable.

Yes especially when combined with Chinese Sleep Chant has an ambient feel to it.

Low is outrageously marvellous,I have no words to describe it...

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I'd say the most underrated album by far is Mylo Xyloto. It has its flaws but to me it is a satisfactory mix between pop and rock, old and new. I still prefer it to Ghost Stories which I view as almost exclusively pop. I think X&Y is slightly underrated also.


As far as overrated goes I think VLVODAAHF is Coldplay's most overrated album (Not by much, but still overrated)


I think Parachutes is rated well. AROBTTH is perfectly rated amongst most Coldplayers, but vastly under appreciated by non-Coldplayers in general.

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Most Underrated Song: A Message

Simply amazing and powerful....especially the chorus


Most Overrated Song: A Sky Full of Stars

Don't get me wrong, it's a great song, but it is definitely overrated amongst Non-Coldplayers. Because it spans multiple genres, it intoduced Coldplay to people who may not have listened to the band before, which is great, but ASFOS doesn't give an accurate representation of Coldplay in general.


Most Underrated Album: X&Y

I don't think I need to explain this one ;)


Most Overrated Album: Parachutes

Again, a really great album overall, but it just doesn't do it for me the way all of the other albums do. It produced a few great songs (Yellow, Trouble, Shiver), but, imo, the rest of the album just sounds the same.

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Overrated song: Yellow


Overrated album: Mylo Xyloto


Underrated song: Cemeteries of London


Underrated album: X&Y


I never liked Cemeteries of London until I listened to the instrumental the last day and it made me understand how amazing it is!

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  • 2 months later...

Underrated songs:Bigger Stronger,High Speed,Amsterdam,I Ran Away,Low,What If,White Shadows,Yes,Cemeteries of London,Major Minus,Moving To Mars,Oceans,Ghost Story


Overrated songs:ASFOS,VLV,Paradise,POC,Fix You(good but kinda overplayed when theres other great songs in X&Y)


Underrated Album:X&Y


Overrated Album:Mylo Xyloto

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