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Secret Santa 2011. Don't forget to send your card!!


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Pictures! I forgot my camera so I had to take pics with the old one, so they are not really good!


First my mum called me 2 days ago that I got a package from USA! I knew that it was my Secret Santa but I had no idea who it was. And when I got home today it was really like Christmas monring.



And inside many many Christmassy wonders. :D



And the card, how to explain the card. I fell off my chair when I saw it.

Also Angie, my brother thanks you also! He loves Christmas lights lollipops! :D


This is awesome. :awesome:

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I'm so excited! I sent my card out a while ago and it should arrive soon! :)

My family (who is also on Coldplaying) and I sat down and made our SS cards together,it was so much fun! Their cards should be arriving to their destinations, too. It's times like these I'm happy to have a family that loves Coldplay as much as I do... Minus my dad, he's a Muse fan. Lol

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I got my card a week ago, I just have been super busy that I didn't get to post about it! But my card travelled all the way from France! Woo hoo! And it is the same person I sent my secret santa card to last year! Thanks Elodie, angedediamant. When I get a spare minute I'll post pictures! Yay Secret Santa(ness)! I can't wait to find out when my person gets theirs!

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I got my card a week ago, I just have been super busy that I didn't get to post about it! But my card travelled all the way from France! Woo hoo! And it is the same person I sent my secret santa card to last year! Thanks Elodie, angedediamant. When I get a spare minute I'll post pictures! Yay Secret Santa(ness)! I can't wait to find out when my person gets theirs!


You got it !:dance: That's a relief ! Thanks for letting me know. :)

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I got my card today! I didn't have time to open it because I had to get to work, but I did see that it came to me all the way from France. I'll scan some pics either later tonight or tomorrow depending on when I get back to my dorm. :D Thanks Secret Santa!

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Im worried i didnt send enough to my secret santa after seeing all these nice things :( now i feel bad :'(




Awww, a card is what Secret Santa is all about, sometimes people like to send alittle extra, and that's perfectly fine as well, don't be sad:)



>>>My little something is on it's way across the world, alittle hint..... I hope he gets out of the "trunk" at the airport ok and find's his Mate's:D

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Wow. This Secret Santa thing is so amazing. I'll totally do that next year.

Coldplayers have such a great spirit, it makes me proud to be one :D


EDIT: Oh gosh, I just realized I skipped my 500th post! :o I was really looking forward to it, but now I don't remember which one it was...:cry:

Anyway, this is my 510th post ! Yay! :D :lol:

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