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LP7- "A Head Full Of Dreams"

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Sometime within the next week from now, that single will drop... we have to be on our toes because it could happen at any moment now without warning :)


I'm not saying unhealthily obsess over it like we did every Monday during August. :P Just be excited that we are so close. :D

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...and it didn't drop, but honestly, I didn't expect it too. If it drops today, it would probably not be at midnight. It's a song of the day, but currently Europe and America are sleeping/beginning to wake (but for the Coldplay fans who are awake of course :D) and even in India it is not yet 10 am. It might drop at noon/afternoon Indian time though, who knows.

Other than that, I believe what lennyrott (i think) said makes sense, the single is probably going to be dropped along with the video. And that may take some more time to produce.

By the way, did ETIAW drop as an audio only or along with its MV ?

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That gives hope we might get something before Friday. One more question: Which way do they usually release the audio ? YT, Spotify,..?


I don't think Spotify because Ghost Stories wasn't available there for a few months after its release


Probably their own website/youtube

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midnight was released at midnight at some place as teased in the days before. but magic audio was released right before midnight on a sunday US time (can't remember the timezone) on the oscars night. magic was a surprise release if i remember correctly.


but i too agree that releasing the MV can have a bigger impact than just the audio. and coldplay need to create some buzz for this record. most casual fans are not even aware that lp7 is coming.

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I'm back, yet again.


I agree our discussions may be too much, i.e. too many pages for nothing. But on the other hand, generally, what should we discuss about if there is nothing new ? You may say, we should not post anything and keep the thread silent. But that is not the purpose of a forum either, is it ? It is natural that people enjoy discussing with other Coldplay fans because they love talking to like-minded people, bc it eases the waiting time for AHFOD etc. Obviously the most active thread on here will always be the one whose topic most people are interested in, which at the moment is AHFOD. I also think you should not ignore the term "probability". Yes, we know nothing for sure at the moment, but there is such a thing as probability. The pictures we have seen make some conclusions simply more probable than others. For instance the patches Chris wore on the very first pic that appeared with Indian fans were clearly similar in style to Mylo Xyloto. The similarity is a FACT. The conclusion "AHFOD WILL be similar to MX" is wrong. The conclusion "The clothes style perceived >>>increases the probability<<< that AHFOD will be similar to MX" is, however, correct, and I think it'd be OK for us to discuss that. Just my 2 cents...


See now you've got the point. It's okay if people are saying that this might be closer to MX but you shouldn't be complaining about it.


Yup. There was a user here a few days ago who proudly boasted how they already knew what the song sounds like, so it was a-okay to judge the music video too, because the future is already seen. Why is this a thing on this site? I don't get it. We have so many circlejerk's over Mylo Xyloto and Ghost Stories, that it feels like if you do like either (or both!), you'll be put on a pedestal. I totally get the hype for the upcoming album, but it's beyond disappointing to see ten new pages of people talking shit about old albums and songs, with maybe a few posts of actual discussion. Yes, this is an open forum, but there are dedicated sections for whatever topic is at hand. Don't like Mylo Xyloto? Great! That's your opinion. But don't post it in a thread about A Head Full of fuckin' Dreams.


I love the entertainment this site brings sometimes, but the constant complaining can be too much.


Someone please tell me how I can like a post multiple times. If there was any time I'd do it it'd be on this post. As to quote from @Batman:




do i have to point out the obvious? now this thread has become a place to complain about the quality of posts or what are acceptable posts!


i agree that discussions about separate songs or albums should be kept to the relevant threads, but lp7 started when lp6 was officially announced! this thread has never been mainly about substantial news or official information about lp7. more a conversation that often gets off topic, as is the case when we are dealing with yet to be officially announced album. let's just have fun :) this is a large part of the anticipation of an imminent album.




I do agree with this post somewhat; however, we should stop complaining over a few unofficial images that it's going to be like MX. It's just some photos; what if the songs are actually pretty good? You never know until you actually hear it. Therefore we shall stop complaining now. As the first quote mentions, it's alright to talk about the possibility of it being like MX because the pictures shown increase the probability of it being like MX, but we shouldn't complain about the actual music until we hear it.


Don't want to add on to anything here , but you guys have kinda been spamming the thread about not spamming the thread. Sorry, just thought that was funny. Continue while I hide again.


Yeah, you're right. We're getting off-topic talking about trying to keep things on-topic. Those kinds of little messages back and forth are ok as long as we don't get off topic too too much IMO and it was getting a little off there. Just my opinion.


@jc90 hahahaha yeah, that's true..

Btw chris was also spotted shooting outside a theatre in mumbai on friday morning..


Thanks for the updates! So good to have Coldplayers all over the world so no matter where Coldplay is most of the time there's always people to report back :D


Going to stop the quoting in this post for now as for one I don't want it to get too long, also it's pretty dark In My Place so I don't want to stay up too too long. :P

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midnight was released at midnight at some place as teased in the days before.


Yeah, Ulan Bator. Although I'm not even sure why they chose this particular place. :D

As for the midnight/closetomidnight releases, well but GS was a night record (judging by artwork, themes etc.). So it would make more sense to release AHFOD (the day to GS'night) songs around noon

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Its 11:00 am here in Pune (Mumbai and Pune have the same time..they're just 3 hours away from each other)..nothing yet though..

I've been waiting all morning and the only thing that was eventful so far was that my dog peed on my bed :( As a punishment I'm going to make her listen to Moe Batriani.

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I really don't wanna dwell longer than I have to on the topic but I will add that I love to read good, well thought out opinions. For example, I singled out user KidA before for having very high quality posts.


I don't have a problem with ppl voicing their opinions. I have a problem when multiple users (no one in particular) voice the same opinion for pages and pages based on extreme hypotheticals and backed up by a lack of facts.


Technically, it isn't against any rules, and yes, its a messageboard to voice opinions, but fuck is it ever tedious to read the same thing over and over.


Okay, If I can shortly interject on this and give my opinion (without dragging it all up again). The whole reason I sought to seek out this messageboard in the first place was because as a massive fan of Coldplay's older work, I felt slightly disenfranchised after GS. I wanted to share my opinion with other Coldplay fans and wanted to express my apprehension in waiting for LP7 because I had a similar feeling before GS came out, so maybe it's that feeling that your picking up as people judging the album before it is released? It's natural for a fandom to compare artistic work to previous artistic work, maybe that's not fair. Maybe we should judge everything as a stand alone creation, but that will never happen. The fact is when LP7 is released, music critics are going to compare it to AROBTTH. That's life.


Also, on the "high quality post" thing. Sometimes I don't feel like writing a sociological thesis on the state of modern music and capitalism. I just want to relax and share my opinion with other Coldplay fans.

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The forum always looks like this immediately before or after a release. Coldplay are a generational band who (currently) mostly attract teenagers and younger people who're easily excitable. With each release they win some and lose some. Whatever you read and see here now is to be expected.


Eventually people will grow the fuck up and realize wasting time on an internet forum is a horrendously pointless and time-consuming affair.

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Nice one saketblitz. Don't see you on this site too often these days but it couldn't have happened to a more deserving forum member. Can recall that you contributed some great stuff a few years back. Must have been surreal to have Coldplay in your home country.


Thanks for those nice words. I have been really caught up with work to post anything (or write music blogs) but I do follow the forum once in a while, especially nearing album release. I wish I could have been more involved here.


As for everyone else, I'm really sorry but I can't give out any details on a forum.


Did I like it? Yes. Did I love it? May be. Should we be excited? Yes!

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Thanks for those nice words. I have been really caught up with work to post anything (or write music blogs) but I do follow the forum once in a while, especially nearing album release. I wish I could have been more involved here.


As for everyone else, I'm really sorry but I can't give out any details on a forum.


Did I like it? Yes. Did I love it? May be. Should we be excited? Yes!


Nice to see you around again here. You got a lucky break there man... believe me. I always hope the band will somehow include more Asian countries in their tour destinations... or any event that will bring them here. As for the hint about the new album, no pressure brother. You can keep that until we finally hear the whole thing. :)

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The forum always looks like this immediately before or after a release. Coldplay are a generational band who (currently) mostly attract teenagers and younger people who're easily excitable. With each release they win some and lose some. Whatever you read and see here now is to be expected.


Eventually people will grow the fuck up and realize wasting time on an internet forum is a horrendously pointless and time-consuming affair.


aye you're right

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