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[2022-03-18] Estadio Nacional de Costa Rica, San José, Costa Rica

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I only just started watching the Facebook video.. I'm flooded with delight the band walked out to John Williams "ET" score, damn.. that moment made me incredibly happy.

A few years back when I was dating my boyfriend (now he's my husband) we were fortunate enough to see John Williams live in concert.. I'll never forget that show. His scores are incredible and now both artist who I admire are somehow mixed together.. aaa! ♡♡

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So happy they put this song in the setlist!!!!! I love this song so much, here's Infinity Sign into SJLT with Chris and Jonny wearing alien masks and Guy and Will with some kind of alien helmets? Anyway it's so much fun!

Jonny and Chris are definitely dancing like aliens here, hahaha. Just look at them at 0:50 👽 :grin:  Enjoy!





Edited by Gideon_Mx
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5 hours ago, Sonny said:

Anyone know what song played during the credits? Is it a cover or a teaser of a new song?

Good catch.

It sounds like Chris to me... might be a new song they're developing.

I'm afraid on commenting with concerns to the lyrics, a lot is going on... it's difficult to make out clearly.


On another note just found this user who worked in tandem with another fan to record one hour and forty five minutes of this concert. Enjoy.


Edited by TealAppeal
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What a bad setlist for the second night. As a longtime fan I want to hear EL songs and Cloratura. Hopefully they keep going with the setlist from the first night and put Coloratura for the closer 

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I have a lot of mixed feelings for this new tour.
THE STAGE : very close to the AFHOD tour, I would have hoped they would at least bring back the side catwalks like on the MX/VLV tour , but it's still looking good, just sad they got a bit lazy on this.

SETLIST : let's be real, we were all expecting a similar structure to AFHOD tour. this was quite unexpected, and a lot of bold choices, a bit like if they were trying so hard to find a setlist and at the end they were like "fxck it, let's go mental on it".
I am glad they played "biutyful" , as it's one of my favorites, but a very weird choice as a closer. Coloratura or Up&Up would have been better. but PLEASE remove the muppets.... this is too weird for me.

the "My Universe/ASFOS/Coloratura" was a given, but once again , we were all convinced it would be the closer, quite weird to see it in the near end of the set.

Really glad to see they played some EL songs, Orphans after VLV sounds perfect, I would prefer it instead of HFTW. Hope it will come back 

Adventure of a Lifetime as a second song is again a bold move, as we are so used to see it during the 2nd part of the set. Guess this is something we will have to get used to it, same with Humankind , would fit better during the opening bit of the setlist, but I can see the logic of putting it after Fix You.

However i am glad they dropped Magic, and Teardrop as we heard it enough...


anyway this is just the first two shows. Let's hope with time , they will perfect it , and we will get used to it. I think this is the kind of setlist that we have to live to actually appreciate it instead of just looking at it lol



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1 hour ago, Christo670 said:

I have a lot of mixed feelings for this new tour.
THE STAGE : very close to the AFHOD tour, I would have hoped they would at least bring back the side catwalks like on the MX/VLV tour , but it's still looking good, just sad they got a bit lazy on this.

SETLIST : let's be real, we were all expecting a similar structure to AFHOD tour. this was quite unexpected, and a lot of bold choices, a bit like if they were trying so hard to find a setlist and at the end they were like "fxck it, let's go mental on it".
I am glad they played "biutyful" , as it's one of my favorites, but a very weird choice as a closer. Coloratura or Up&Up would have been better. but PLEASE remove the muppets.... this is too weird for me.

the "My Universe/ASFOS/Coloratura" was a given, but once again , we were all convinced it would be the closer, quite weird to see it in the near end of the set.

Really glad to see they played some EL songs, Orphans after VLV sounds perfect, I would prefer it instead of HFTW. Hope it will come back 

Adventure of a Lifetime as a second song is again a bold move, as we are so used to see it during the 2nd part of the set. Guess this is something we will have to get used to it, same with Humankind , would fit better during the opening bit of the setlist, but I can see the logic of putting it after Fix You.

However i am glad they dropped Magic, and Teardrop as we heard it enough...


anyway this is just the first two shows. Let's hope with time , they will perfect it , and we will get used to it. I think this is the kind of setlist that we have to live to actually appreciate it instead of just looking at it lol



I just agree with you, I hope they consider a different Closing Song, more like a Ballad here. Coloratura was perfect but they somehow said no. Very sad to me...

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7 hours ago, maeli said:

What a bad setlist for the second night. As a longtime fan I want to hear EL songs and Cloratura. Hopefully they keep going with the setlist from the first night and put Coloratura for the closer 

Agree. Especially Coloratura. That's become one of my most favorite songs of all time of theirs, I'll be really sad if it's not part of the set list for the show I'm attending.

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11 minutes ago, ColdplayingMama said:

Agree. Especially Coloratura. That's become one of my most favorite songs of all time of theirs, I'll be really sad if it's not part of the set list for the show I'm attending.

What makes it even worse is, that they played EVERY song from MOTS on their second concert except for Coloratura which is, by a lot (in my opinion), their best song on this album and maybe even a top 10 song from Coldplay ever. 
I am totally fine with them doing experiments but not playing Coloratura is very very not understandable :(

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1 hour ago, sa_spurs_tx said:

Maybe they ran out of time and they decided to cut one song instead of 2/3 ?  I read somewhere that they started 10 minutes late. 

if that is true then it would explain it. it's better to drop a 10 minutes song if you are late instead of dropping two or three....

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13 hours ago, VCF said:

They did not play Coloratura tonight, and that's just unacceptable. Quite alarming tbf.


I agree with some of the opinions I've seen here and on Twitter. The fact that Coloratura has been left out is simply unacceptable. It's by far the best song on the album and it's just the only one they don't perform. I am quite worried about the setlist. It's something that has already been discussed a lot in the forum, but I don't think it's necessary to stop commenting on it. It is very sad to see that they have basically repeated the AHFOD tour, only changing the songs from one album to another.

It is sad that they have left out EL, which has many songs with great potential and that most of them have not been able to see live. Arabesque or Trouble in Town would have been great alongside POTP (as would Violet Hill). Champion of the World would also have fit very well, and since they have put in the Bani Adam melody they had the intro done.

I don't understand why they don't look for a better distribution of the songs that everyone can like. I understand that there are people who have never seen Coldplay or who only know 3-4 songs and who want to like the concert, but it is not necessary to include all the hits, because in the end you run out of space for the rest, and a band (especially if it aspires to last over time) is much more than a couple of hits on the radio or youtube.


A setlist of 26 songs goes a long way, they could easily have done something like this:

-The new full album (removing the short interludes are less than 10 songs)

-8 or 9 hits (Yellow, Fix You, Viva la Vida... the ones we all know). Since they have more and they know them by heart, they can easily change them from show to show.

-8 or 7 "old" songs (songs by XY, EL, GS, VIVA... the kind of songs that fans who have been listening to for a while like)


With a distribution like this (more or less) you can offer a concert in which everyone leaves happy and not something that is 100% predictable and where lifelong fans have to go to pray and console ourselves with some "oddity" like an In My Place sung by Will... please, after so many years listening to the band, supporting them, buying their records, promoting them with friends, going to concerts... etc. we deserve more than a few crumbs on the setlist. ...


It's my honest opinion as a fan, I hope I don't offend anyone. I say this with great affection towards the band, but sometimes they let me down.


P.D: It seems from the videos that they use a lot of pre-recorded content in the songs, right?

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4 hours ago, Divutian said:

i honestly think humankind would be a great stadium closer to the likes of ETIAW, maybe even more than coloratura. They just need to change the closer, and remove the muppets/helmets and then it would be perfect.

I think the helmets are totally ok, but those Alien heads make it a bit silly.

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