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Just watched the Star Wars prequels and they are better than I remember. The last time I saw them was a long time ago, and since then I've read so much negative crap about them, mostly right here on the internet. Sure, they have their flaws (mostly with acting) but I enjoyed them a lot.


The Phantom Menace: 8/10

Attack of the Clones: 8/10

Revenge of the Sith: 8.5/10


Will start the original trilogy today, and I'll be seeing The Force Awakens next week.

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Just watched the Star Wars prequels and they are better than I remember. The last time I saw them was a long time ago, and since then I've read so much negative crap about them, mostly right here on the internet. Sure, they have their flaws (mostly with acting) but I enjoyed them a lot.


The Phantom Menace: 8/10

Attack of the Clones: 8/10

Revenge of the Sith: 8.5/10


Will start the original trilogy today, and I'll be seeing The Force Awakens next week.


Oh wow someone who likes the prequels! *pinches himself* hehe


Only about two months ago I watched a Star Wars marathon and I came to really appreciate the original trilogy for the very first time actually haha The opposite of you :) I was always ever so bored of the old trilogy because the lightsaber fights are so pathetic hehe But now I could watch it and appreciate the story and all the "real" feel to it. I think the prequels are a bit too heavy on CGI, but I still enjoy them yeah :)


Ill be seeing Force Awakens next week too! Lets see how we like it :)

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Just watched the Star Wars prequels and they are better than I remember. The last time I saw them was a long time ago, and since then I've read so much negative crap about them, mostly right here on the internet. Sure, they have their flaws (mostly with acting) but I enjoyed them a lot.


The Phantom Menace: 8/10

Attack of the Clones: 8/10

Revenge of the Sith: 8.5/10


Will start the original trilogy today, and I'll be seeing The Force Awakens next week.

Also recently watched the prequels. :D If you get passed the awful CGI and the wooden dialogue written by George Lucas, they are pretty good films. I especially enjoyed Episode 3.


Phantom Menace: 7/10

Attack of the Clones: 6.5/10

Revenge of the Sith: 8/10

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I agree, the originals may have pathetic lightsaber fights but the story and acting quality are what make them so legendary.

And yes, the prequels are about as cgi-heavy as Coldplay are synth-heavy these days, but I couldn't help it, I was blown away by the epicness of it all.


I've only read good things about the Force Awakens, and the positive reviews (it's currently at 95% on Rotten Tomatoes) are giving me hope that it will be awesome.

Be wary of spoilers dude!


I had always liked the prequels more but because I am such an obsessive Jedi hehe The lightsaber scenes in the prequels are so epic! I also love the prequels because I truly like Anakin´s journey and its much more in focus there than in the OT of course. Agree about the CGI: it can and is a great tool but when its too much it just makes the movie less real..I dont know its like the brain can always tell which shots are CGI , if there are too many then you get that feel of "fake" while the OT, because of its super limited tech, will always have that feel of "real".


I sincerely hope they have struck the right balance with Force Awakens. We shall see :)


And yeah absolutely too much synth can have the same effect and make a song sound hollow. Though I still can hear Jonny loud and clear on AHFOD hehe so while its synth heavy at times (not always to my liking) its still organic enough that my ears embrace it hehe

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Also recently watched the prequels. :D If you get passed the awful CGI and the wooden dialogue written by George Lucas, they are pretty good films.


Some of the dialogue I dont like either, but George is the man in my book :) He is the master behind this epic retelling of world mythologies and for that unique insight he´ll always be my hero :) Every writer has its shortcomings, but I think people tend to focus too much on what he did wrong and too little at what he created.

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I want to see Star Wars VII and know the general outline of the Star Wars story, but I know nothing about any details. I'm afraid I'll be too confused. :confused: Everything about it looks good, though.


Watched "Carol" yesterday. All the reviews I saw had high praise, but I thought it was pretty average. Unfortunately I didn't really get into it emotionally. 4/10

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Star Wars "The Force Awakens" - 8.5/10


Truly a treat! Marvellously done through and through. Only slight disappointment was that imo it relied too heavily/borrowed too much from OT storylines. Next time I´d like to see something more original story-wise. But other than that I loved it all: so exciting and near perfect in all its aspects. Well done JJ!

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Star Wars "The Force Awakens" - 8.5/10


Truly a treat! Marvellously done through and through. Only slight disappointment was that imo it relied too heavily/borrowed too much from OT storylines. Next time I´d like to see something more original story-wise. But other than that I loved it all: so exciting and near perfect in all its aspects. Well done JJ!


Well this positive rating gives me more hope. I'm seeing it Saturday. Curious to see just how much they used from the OT story though. I've heard a lot about that, it's what most people say was disappointing. And I'll definitely detect the similarities as I watched the OT very recently.

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Well this positive rating gives me more hope. I'm seeing it Saturday. Curious to see just how much they used from the OT story though. I've heard a lot about that, it's what most people say was disappointing. And I'll definitely detect the similarities as I watched the OT very recently.


Its an excellent movie! I certainly expected it to have the OT "feel", but I was surprised at just how much they borrowed from the OT story. Imo too much for it to stand alone. It works great as an homage to the OT though and an introduction to future original stories I expect :) But as far as movie quality, its really good.

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Watched Star Wars: The Force Awakens yesterday. T'was AMAZING!

But, I will give it a few negative notes.

Rate: 9/10

The plot was too similar to A New Hope for my taste. Abrams should have been more original. Also, an important character (Not saying who) dies too early in the trilogy. Did not like it at all, though the character itself seems unnecessary to the plotline. Here are my rankings:

1. Empire Strikes Back

2. The Force Awakens

3. A New Hope

4. Return Of The Jedi


85. Revenge Of The Sith


207. Attack Of The Clones

208. Phantom Menace

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The plot was too similar to A New Hope for my taste. Abrams should have been more original. Also, an important character (Not saying who) dies too early in the trilogy. Did not like it at all, though the character itself seems unnecessary to the plotline.

In conclusion, enjoy my Darth Vader drawing:



Totally agree with your complaints, the first one was the one I had too. As for the death, it was not only unnecessary and too early but also not poignant, it felt totally empty. Another thing I noticed and did not like much was some parts where political correctness was put before the story....(there is especially one fight scene which suffers greatly for it). The whole story is just disappointing and derivative sadly, but the film is marvellous in all the other aspects: visual, acting, music, etc. I have hopes for VIII with an original story despite the fact it will still feature the whiny Kylo Ren *lol*


And stupendous drawing! I cant draw at all really haha but Im a huge fan of art. Most of my friends happen to painters :) Im always in awe at what you guys can do with a pencil and a few brushes :) Its truly magical :)

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watched the big short. 9/10. the best movie i've seen from the award contenders so far. wonderfully quirky narrative. and informative, that goes without saying. can't believe this is from the same guy that directed anchorman!

but the heroes (if you could call them that) in the movie are deceiving. the people you may feel like cheering on are actually a big part of the problem too.

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Just saw Star Wars: The Force Awakens for the second time. The movie has its issues (primarily its plot similarities to A New Hope), but overall I think it is a quite an enjoyable, well-made film. :D


Ranking all 7 movies:

1. The Empire Strikes Back 10/10

2. A New Hope 9.5/10

3. Return of the Jedi 9/10

4. Revenge of the Sith 8/10

5. The Force Awakens 8/10

6. The Phantom Menace 7/10

7. Attack of the Clones 6.5/10

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Star Wars VII - as a non-fan (did not like it as a child; only recently started to appreciate the OT more as an adult), I was impressed! It exceeded expectations, 8/10! Good production values, good story (although does borrow significantly from OT) and solid acting. It actually was better than the teasers from the trailers :)


Other recent movies:

- Joy (J-Law + David O'Russell et al) - a touching, well-made movie about a person overcoming improbable odds to succeed with her Wonder-Mop invention - makes everybody's family feel normal :P I rate 8.5-9/10 - it's slightly less of a revelation than Silver Lining's Playbook but has a great performance from all involved, again.

- The Hunger Games: Mockingjay Part 2 - A good solid ending to the series of movies (slight deviation from the books, but no surprises there :P). As Haruka said, the closing scenes could've been done better, but otherwise, pretty good - 7.5/10


Btw [uSER=100974]@Archiderp[/uSER] - that's an awesome Darth Vader drawing! :dazzled:

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