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Ghost Stories, release date: 19 May 2014


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19 March 2014 / submitted by Gabe, United States of America

Q. How come there is no self titled Ghost Stories track? Since every album so far has a self titled track. Thanks Oracle!



Who said there isn't? Maybe there is...

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19 March 2014 / submitted by Gabe, United States of America

Q. How come there is no self titled Ghost Stories track? Since every album so far has a self titled track. Thanks Oracle!



Who said there isn't? Maybe there is...


This is great news!

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Coldplayers, I have such a bad feeling about Ghost Stories.


I wasn't the skeptical person, I have listened to all albums over and over and over, every single song a 1000 times, and even songs wich i first didn't like turned out to be a fucking masterpiece. EVERY SINGLE SONG!!! ok exept from POC, but I think it would be better without Rhianna.


And after a long period of no songs, they finally release a new one, Atlas. Well, ok, not as good as other stuff, but still sounds like Coldplay. But I still had the voice in my head that before MX the released Moving to Mars, wich is imo much better, it has an incredible tension bla bla you know what i mean. I had the honour to visit under1roof, so I have seen it live. Well ok, i started to like it a little more. But still had the bad feeling that they might become worse? Don't understand me wrong, Atlas or the new songs aren't bad at all, but in my opinion every song of the last 5 albums (EXEPT POC) is a 10/10 or at least a 9/10. Atlas is maximum 7/10. really good song, but not really really fucking crazy good like all the other.


Then midnight came. I was so confused. I have still no idea what to say! Its not bad, its not good? no Idea! I can' dislike it, but I have to say it has nothing to do with Coldplay. Of course the boys should do what they like to do and what they have fun with, but don't blame a real Coldplayer if he say, WTF is this?, Soon, Magic came. Well ok, I don't like electronic drums, I think the Boys sound best totally acoustic, but i chilled me a bit cause of midnight... I thought the whole album be like midnight.... Then I heared only 9 songs... Really, are you serious?


Ok so I watched the Itunes show... First of all I thought well nice new songs then I thought aha so there are 5 songs left wich are new on the new album... 5.... are you serious? And the songs are 5/10 or maybe 6-7/10 but not the 10/10 like every single other album....

The performance, what should I say? Of course, really bad audience, but setting a setlist like that? After the first song Charlie Brown and Paradise? What about building up Tension? I really liked MX, but they could at least exchange one song of MX to some old stuff... I also asked myself at under1roof, why not yellow?


When they released MX there were so many people claming, ohhh my god, i want the old cp bck, the hole album is shitty blablabla, but serious, MX was a fucking Masterpiece, i mean listen to songs like uatw or etiaw or uwtb....

Listen to old songs in comparsion to the Ghost Storie Stuff, listen to Shiver, listen to Low, i could write an enless list!

They are like million times better!

why are they doing this? I mean they have so many demos and unreleased songs wich are also millions better! Like Bloodless Revolutions, St. Stephen, Harmless, The Man who swears ....

They give songs like Lukas away to other artist!! And then they give us this???? Are you serious?


Lets see how the rest of GS will be, but I hope the best days of Coldplay aren't over

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I don't consider MX a masterpiece, just a good album (as in, I don't hate it like a lot of people do) You're saying Midnight doesn't have anything to do with Coldplay and I get what you mean, it sounds so so different, but let's forget it's Coldplay. My first reactione was "huh?" but I didn't even need more than 1 listen to fall in love with it. I feel different about the other GS songs we know now because I'm still struggling to ignore the lyrics but if I listen to the music only, I hear AROBTTH in Always In My Head.

I really believe GS is going to be better than MX and X&Y!

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Coldplayers, I have such a bad feeling about Ghost Stories.


I wasn't the skeptical person, I have listened to all albums over and over and over, every single song a 1000 times, and even songs wich i first didn't like turned out to be a fucking masterpiece. EVERY SINGLE SONG!!! ok exept from POC, but I think it would be better without Rhianna.


And after a long period of no songs, they finally release a new one, Atlas. Well, ok, not as good as other stuff, but still sounds like Coldplay. But I still had the voice in my head that before MX the released Moving to Mars, wich is imo much better, it has an incredible tension bla bla you know what i mean. I had the honour to visit under1roof, so I have seen it live. Well ok, i started to like it a little more. But still had the bad feeling that they might become worse? Don't understand me wrong, Atlas or the new songs aren't bad at all, but in my opinion every song of the last 5 albums (EXEPT POC) is a 10/10 or at least a 9/10. Atlas is maximum 7/10. really good song, but not really really fucking crazy good like all the other.


Then midnight came. I was so confused. I have still no idea what to say! Its not bad, its not good? no Idea! I can' dislike it, but I have to say it has nothing to do with Coldplay. Of course the boys should do what they like to do and what they have fun with, but don't blame a real Coldplayer if he say, WTF is this?, Soon, Magic came. Well ok, I don't like electronic drums, I think the Boys sound best totally acoustic, but i chilled me a bit cause of midnight... I thought the whole album be like midnight.... Then I heared only 9 songs... Really, are you serious?


Ok so I watched the Itunes show... First of all I thought well nice new songs then I thought aha so there are 5 songs left wich are new on the new album... 5.... are you serious? And the songs are 5/10 or maybe 6-7/10 but not the 10/10 like every single other album....

The performance, what should I say? Of course, really bad audience, but setting a setlist like that? After the first song Charlie Brown and Paradise? What about building up Tension? I really liked MX, but they could at least exchange one song of MX to some old stuff... I also asked myself at under1roof, why not yellow?


When they released MX there were so many people claming, ohhh my god, i want the old cp bck, the hole album is shitty blablabla, but serious, MX was a fucking Masterpiece, i mean listen to songs like uatw or etiaw or uwtb....

Listen to old songs in comparsion to the Ghost Storie Stuff, listen to Shiver, listen to Low, i could write an enless list!

They are like million times better!

why are they doing this? I mean they have so many demos and unreleased songs wich are also millions better! Like Bloodless Revolutions, St. Stephen, Harmless, The Man who swears ....

They give songs like Lukas away to other artist!! And then they give us this???? Are you serious?


Lets see how the rest of GS will be, but I hope the best days of Coldplay aren't over




You sure had yourself a nice conversation with yourself over there :p :D


We're gonna have to wait and see I guess. You are being a bit too subjective here I'd say. Cause for example I think Low is a rather weak track, and not all of their songs are 10/10 or 9/10... If anything, I'd give Atlas a 9 and rank Low really low (see what I did there?) :D


Oh and BTW, don't stress about the 9 songs stuff cause a) There might be hidden tracks like on VLV (which had 3 of them, remember!!!) and b) Many great albums have less than ten songs - the best example is Thriller - 9 songs - all pure gold. Though yeah, Ghost Stories won't be all gold unfortunately.

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<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-partner="tweetdeck"><p>The new album, Ghost Stories, out 19 May. Pre-order:

iTunes <a href="http://t.co/Ag2Imhzapx">http://t.co/Ag2Imhzapx</a>

CD: <a href="http://t.co/XglCkWwdzs">http://t.co/XglCkWwdzs</a>. A <a href="http://t.co/5dmveqLXPT">pic.twitter.com/5dmveqLXPT</a></p>— Coldplay (@coldplay) <a href="https://twitter.com/coldplay/statuses/446331191181180928">March 19, 2014</a></blockquote>

<script async src="//platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>

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shiver is one of their worst, another's arms/always in my head are alot better then anything on MX and shiver. Their worst era was X&Y so i don't think the best days of coldplay are gone




I fear I'm in that tiny little group of people that actually like X&Y °__°

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Coldplayers, I have such a bad feeling about Ghost Stories.

You're describing the way I felt during MX, so even though I don't feel that way now, I can relate to your post. It feels a bit like a friend who does something that makes you doubt if you know them at all.


All I can say is, if this is not your album (but don't decide until you've heard it), just remember that it's only one album and in a few years it won't matter. MX taught me I can't control them and it's not up to me to decide the way they should sound. It helped me take some distance and appreciate them for what they are instead of what I want them to be. I hope this album can mean something similar to you, if it turns out you don't like it.


These feelings also show that they're exploring different territories and in the end, that's a great thing for a band.

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