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Miracles (Someone Special) ft. Big Sean


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It has this pretty uplifting and happy vibe, and as @I ran away said in the other thread, the drum beat reminds of the original Miracles with similar hand clap samples and bass drum sound. I'am not so sure how I like Big Sean's part yet, but the last time the chorus kicks in, oh my, Will's beautiful backing vocals gets me every time. Jonny's guitar at the end makes a perfect finish for the song. Not my favorite of the new EP but a great song nevertheless! Can't wait to hear the studio version and better live recording :)

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I think it's pretty cool song. It has a potencial of being a hit. I liked the vocals. Jonny's guitar is classical; simple but awesome. Drum kicks and backvocals from Will are so much proffesional. Also i loved the violin sound behind the song, it gives song a great atmosphere. Big Sean's part is better than other rapper appearance on other songs (Suit & Tie etc.). Very excited to hear studio version, i think it will be better. Also this songs instrumental will be a gem i think.

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slightly better quality



Mobile Link: https://twitter.com/frank641964/status/882342311014936576


Woah, this is way better. Thanks!

Too bad it's not full length...



I feared the worst for this song, that it would feature a trap beat with no melody. Thankfully I was proven wrong, and we all have another great pop-rock song to enjoy. It's definitely not for the Oldplayers on the forum, but let's at least be thankful that Coldplay haven't succoumed to toe newest pop trend of letting go of the dense sustained layers, sounds, and melody that makes good pop music good in the first place.

This song sounds so similar to ASFOS, just with a different beat. Definitely has the potential to be a hit. Definitely not something for the Oldplayers though.

I don't think Big Sean's part is all that necessary, but he did a good job. Can't hear any autotune or anything, so I'm glad that won't ruin the song.


Overall: Not Coldplay's best, most original, or unique song, but still enjoyable and catchy. Hopefully this gets some airplay so people who listen to the radio finally get a dose of what good pop-rock is all about again. Of 10, probably a solid 6 or 7.

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Meh, not feelin' this one especially when compared to the other tracks we've heard, including SJLT. But hey, i've only heard a few live versions. Maybe the studio will change my view a bit.


But no matter how good the studio version is, this song will probably be one where I won't skip if it shows up on random, but I won't purposefully find and play it from a playlist either.

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Its pretty similar to Ink IMO, but as much hate as I may receive theres something about Jonny's guitar that reminds me of 'Spanish Rain'

dayum, I don't love the song, but I gotta say Guy is really playin' that bass.[/quote
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This is why Coldplay are never gonna return to the old Coldplay, because they can release an amazing song (AICTAIY) and then release this thing... (Miracles: SS)

The consistency of a full good rock album (AROBTTH) from the top of the first page to the end of the last day, is completely lost...

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I'm really liking the happy vibe in this song! I like these little songs like Ink, they make me feel so good. GOD BLESS THIS BAND :heart_eyes:


I felt that Big Sean part was kind of random, like, why is he even in this song? It doesn't seem to fit haha :blush:


Overall I give it a solid 7. Still need to listen to the studio version to clear up some doubts :D

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Im that obsessed with Coldplay at this stage that if Chris sung in tune with a dishwasher and released it, id buy 10 copies.

Dont really understand the hate with this song, the beat already feels nostalgic for me. We are all different, I understand Coldplay are different now. I listened to AROBTTH on vinyl this morning and then I still enjoy this new one. A L I E N S will be epic and the studio version of MSS will be great IMO. Wasn't a fan of Big Sean at the beginning but more and more it sounds a bit like Lupe Fiasco and feels nostalgic.

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The song has a women speaking backsound at 0:47 like Easy to Please.

At this stage im fairly sure the voice at 0:47 is Marty McFly from Back to the Future.

Chris says at the beginning he features in it. I think its a vocal snap from one of the films but cant make out what it is.

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Im that obsessed with Coldplay at this stage that if Chris sung in tune with a dishwasher and released it, id buy 10 copies.

Dont really understand the hate with this song, the beat already feels nostalgic for me. We are all different, I understand Coldplay are different now. I listened to AROBTTH on vinyl this morning and then I still enjoy this new one. A L I E N S will be epic and the studio version of MSS will be great IMO. Wasn't a fan of Big Sean at the beginning but more and more it sounds a bit like Lupe Fiasco and feels nostalgic.

HAHAHA. Trying to not listen to the song but love the positive view

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I wasn't expecting to have this reaction, but I absolutely love this song. My favorite from KEP so far. The Big Sean feature is your typical"motivational" rap and not super good--but instrumentally this thing is so so so sexy!


That funky guitar and bass on the first verse is exactly what I felt AHFOD was missing in the "dance" department. The drum beat is original and unique, unlike what we got on AICTAIY, SJLT, and Hypnotised. The chorus is beautiful, especially with Will jumping in on vocals, the swirling guitar, etc. Wowed by this track across the board.


Assuming the studio version is the same, I feel like this is a natural progression for Coldplay. It has modern pop sensibility and a rap feature, but it doesn't skip out on the great instrumentation and epic chorus. We have all compared Hyp and AICTAIY to Oldplay, and I love those songs, but I feel like they don't have a refreshing sound to help them stand out. Miracles (Someone Special) draws influence from modern hip-hop, Prince, synthpop, and during the chorus, U2 and folk? I haven't had this reaction to a newplay song since Magic. Midnight, ETIAW, and Birds (newplay songs that grabbed me immediately).


EDIT: I agree with the Lion King soundtrack comparison. The chorus feels very Phil Collins' Tarzan Soundtrack to me.

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Honestly this is better than I expected! I love the guitar part and although in the beginning I though the drum beat was a bit annoying, I started to get into it! Sean's part feels a bit..random? Like, I don't know, it's not that bad but not that good either? I guess I'll have to wait till we have a studio version for a full judgement. Also those Will vocals in the end sound so good, I always get so hyped when I hear Will singing :D

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