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Live at the Natural History Museum London 25 Nov 2019

Captain Crieff

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Ah, how I have not missed these stressful ticket hunts. Worst part of being a fan. :joy:


I get the disappointment and desperation. I've been there (when missing out on Brixton Academy tickets in 2008 I cried for a whole day and it could have filled up a bathtub).


I tried too and didn't get a ticket, but that's okay and there'll be other chances. I feel privileged to even be able to consider going to London on short notice with all that it means in regards to missing work, money for accommodation, transport, etc. Not everybody is able to do that and maybe it's 'cause the guys taught me to be grateful for things like that, that I'm not sad this time.


Unpopular opinion it seems, but I didn't think the Gigs & Tours setup was a fiasco. I've seen much, much worse in 17 years of trying for Coldplay tickets. :laughing: Yeah, would have been better to have you enter the code first and then be placed into a queue, but oh well. At least the servers didn't crash completely. I also had the chance to select a ticket from the drop-down a couple of times, but didn't get a ticket allocated. You have to have the luck of the exact right millisecond there. When a ticket becomes available again you're surely not the only one who refreshed the page in that exact moment, and then somebody else might have simply been faster to press the red button.


There were what, 500 or maybe 1,000 tickets for this show? I mean, what do you expect? That is so incredibly few given the demand. I'm not surprised at all that we don't hear from a lot of people who've actually gotten tickets. Surely not everybody is on social media and/or Coldplaying. Also doesn't necessarily mean they are "less of a fan".


I think there will never be a way to make this completely fair to everybody. Everyone will have different opinions on what fair even means. Sometimes things in life are just down to pure luck.


I hope everybody who's in London without a ticket will have a fabulous time nevertheless. London is such an amazing place - even without Coldplay. :blush:

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Obviously they're the biggest band on the planet and fewer tickets will have been on sale compared to the GS tour or previous small gigs and try-outs. But still... . There has got to be a way to make this more fair. I know there was an experiment with the Bruce Springsteen Broadway show where you could submit your social media profiles and an algorithm would check for Springsteen references on your accounts. They also took previous ticket sales into account. It's not perfect, but it's a start. Also, Nick Cave sent out invites to people with the most streams on Spotify. None of these systems are perfect, but maybe a combination would do the trick?


I also think the U2 system is a good option: my sister has been a U2 fan since years and became a member of the official fanclub many years ago. When there's a tour, they send different presale codes, depending on how long people have been a member. This membership costs about 40 of 50 euros a year, I believe, but I think most fans don't mind that at all, if it means you can buy 2 tickets for sure, without the stress of 'normal' ticketsales.

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Btw someone asked about meetups. I'd be open for that !


Hi! Yes, should we plan a meet up tomorrow for those in London? If anyone wants a bit of a tour I’d be happy to show people around London.

How does 2:30pm sound? Maybe in front of the Apple Store in Covent Garden and we can go from there?

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C'mon...i'm as disappointed as anyone of us certainly is.

But...life goes on, do never give up, if i would actually live in London i would definetily meet&greet some of you next monday...if not for the gig, well then for a couple of pints and knowing different people/experiences from Coldplayers.


Now i'm sitting on the BA plane from Portugal to London..and unfortunately/most surely i will return next monday with no Coldplay concert and without having the chances many of you have: go to the museum, shoutout loud to crew members, meet during the afternoon and have fun, smile, sing along ORPHANHS in Trafalgar Square or along Oxford Street, have a drink 2gether....because this is it: everyday life!


Viva La Vida

....and do always remember: don't take life too seriously!


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You're right. I've been thinking about this all week and a part of me feels like you have to force your own happiness. And my last experience in Londen, when I was able to sneak in and see the complete soundcheck in the Royal Albert Hall is clouding my judgement ;)

But I also feel that Coldplay have consiously made a decision to not tour and have made the Sunrise and Sunset concert available for the whole world on Youtube. And I also want to respect that decision, also because I consiously haven't been flying for the past two years because of the environment. So what kind of person would I be to just put all that aside and fly there anyway, begging for tickets? (The kind of person that just LOVES Coldplay so much, I know. But still.)


So thanks Mathieu, I'm back on earth now ;)

How did you sneak in and watch the soundcheck if you don't mind telling?

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I will be there hopefully live-streaming some of it on coldplaying!

Thinking strategically, would live streaming be better or recording and uploading after? For quality/choppiness sake? Appreciate the effort either way

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Thinking strategically, would live streaming be better or recording and uploading after? For quality/choppiness sake? Appreciate the effort either way


I would be happy to wait for the concert to be uploaded rather than watch it live if it meant higher audio/video quality. But either way I'm super grateful! Thanks Stephen!!

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Hi guys, I haven't been on this forum for ages, I used to be quite active before.

I flew in to London yesterday from Slovakia.

I know there are many people desperate for a ticket but I'll try anyway (if you never try...)

If there is anyone with a spare ticket, I would be grateful forever!

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