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LP7- "A Head Full Of Dreams"

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^ In fact that triangle is has more meaning than you think. It is the Painter's color triangle and it is related with the art of painting, which has been the pattern of the last 3 albums.


Yeah I understand the meaning, but I think Coldplay could be a bit more creative, but who knows.... :)

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posted this on the tour rumors thread as well.


london summer 2016 live dates according to this fan who seems to have met the band.


<blockquote class="instagram-media" data-instgrm-captioned data-instgrm-version="4" style=" background:#FFF; border:0; border-radius:3px; box-shadow:0 0 1px 0 rgba(0,0,0,0.5),0 1px 10px 0 rgba(0,0,0,0.15); margin: 1px; max-width:658px; padding:0; width:99.375%; width:-webkit-calc(100% - 2px); width:calc(100% - 2px);"><div style="padding:8px;"> <div style=" background:#F8F8F8; line-height:0; margin-top:40px; padding:50.0% 0; text-align:center; width:100%;"> <div style=" background:url(); display:block; height:44px; margin:0 auto -44px; position:relative; top:-22px; width:44px;"></div></div> <p style=" margin:8px 0 0 0; padding:0 4px;"> <a href="https://instagram.com/p/75ZVAOxPTM/" style=" color:#000; font-family:Arial,sans-serif; font-size:14px; font-style:normal; font-weight:normal; line-height:17px; text-decoration:none; word-wrap:break-word;" target="_top">Confirmed : #coldplay summer of 2016, London. Can't wait to meet the boys again. Thank you Chris. #signed #autograph #chrismartin</a></p> <p style=" color:#c9c8cd; font-family:Arial,sans-serif; font-size:14px; line-height:17px; margin-bottom:0; margin-top:8px; overflow:hidden; padding:8px 0 7px; text-align:center; text-overflow:ellipsis; white-space:nowrap;">A photo posted by Shishir Sharma (@phenomial) on <time style=" font-family:Arial,sans-serif; font-size:14px; line-height:17px;" datetime="2015-09-21T14:57:18+00:00">Sep 21, 2015 at 7:57am PDT</time></p></div></blockquote>



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Just a quick guess. Do you guys remember that midnight was out 25th feb, that was on a tuesday.. so maybe tomorrow something new is out. And other thing is that 25th sep of 2015 is on a friday, one day before the global citizen... maybe they could drop the new single on that day just for fun hahahaha. The 25 magic =P

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Just a quick guess. Do you guys remember that midnight was out 25th feb, that was on a tuesday.. so maybe tomorrow something new is out. And other thing is that 25th sep of 2015 is on a friday, one day before the global citizen... maybe they could drop the new single on that day just for fun hahahaha. The 25 magic =P


I hope they drop hints first like they did with the midnight gifs and pictures, that was cool.

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If they were to actually give us a sample of the song, if it actually sounds amazing, they'd better make sure somewhere down the line they actually release it, because there's some gems I've heard from Coldplay that are unreleased, and the only recordings of them are terrible quality...


Same here :cry2: Not in terms of poor quality but songs that didn't make it on the album and deserved to; the disappointment when listening to Moving to Mars (or even the great lyrics on the MX cover we never heard). But replace PoC and Paradise with Moving to Mars and Christmas Lights and that's a completely different album to me. Many of Coldplay's best songs lately (Moving to Mars, Christmas Lights, Atlas, Miracles, All Your Friends and Ghost Story relegated to just the deluxe version) have been absent from their actual album releases these past five years (imo) and I'd hate to see that trend continue. :(

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Same here :cry2: Not in terms of poor quality but songs that didn't make it on the album and deserved to; the disappointment when listening to Moving to Mars (or even the great lyrics on the MX cover we never heard). But replace PoC and Paradise with Moving to Mars and Christmas Lights and that's a completely different album to me. Many of Coldplay's best songs lately (Moving to Mars, Christmas Lights, Atlas, Miracles, All Your Friends and Ghost Story relegated to just the deluxe version) have been absent from their actual album releases these past five years (imo) and I'd hate to see that trend continue. :(


I have to disagree there. The B-sides from the AROBTTH and X&Y (and Viva) Eras were very good, but MX would become worse to me by replacing POC and Paradise with Moving to Mars and Christmas lights. For some reason, the latter two don't really appeal to me.


And yes, I'd also be hugely disappointed if the colour triangle (or any other simple colourful geometrical structure) were the cover art. It should be something more intriguig than that. Even if the triangle has a meaning in colour theory etc., it has no mystery at all, if you know what I mean.

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Guest diogo_sg

Could someone please make a summary of all the updates?


Today was my first day of school. I'm tired and I don't feel like going through 100 pages of blah-blah-blah.


Thank you.

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Could someone please make a summary of all the updates?


Today was my first day of school. I'm tired and I don't feel like going through 100 pages of blah-blah-blah.


Thank you.


Coldplay predictions include the Indian-Style single with a Tommorow Never Knows vibe.

No ones made out about what's on Guys shirt cause it's too hard to read.

Tracklist predictions.

Indian Artist apparently doing album cover.

Finished lyric.

Coldplay coming to London in 2016 in the tour.

There you go:P

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Guest diogo_sg
Coldplay predictions include the Indian-Style single with a Tommorow Never Knows vibe.

No ones made out about what's on Guys shirt cause it's too hard to read.

Tracklist predictions.

Indian Artist apparently doing album cover.

Finished lyric.

Coldplay coming to London in 2016 in the tour.

There you go[emoji14]


1) Amazing! I definitely want a song like that (more like the Sucker Punch version, though).

2) Too bad. I'm very eager to know.

3) ZZZzzzZZZzzz (sowwy)

4) Sweet! Do you know what artist?


6) Lucky Londoners! I hope Portugal is on their list too!


PS: Many thanks! [emoji4]

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1) Amazing! I definitely want a song like that (more like the Sucker Punch version, though).

2) Too bad. I'm very eager to know.

3) ZZZzzzZZZzzz (sowwy)

4) Sweet! Do you know what artist?


6) Lucky Londoners! I hope Portugal is on their list too!


PS: Many thanks! [emoji4]




And also the lyric is 'thunder' instead of chamber on the fools gold one:P

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Same here :cry2: Not in terms of poor quality but songs that didn't make it on the album and deserved to; the disappointment when listening to Moving to Mars (or even the great lyrics on the MX cover we never heard). But replace PoC and Paradise with Moving to Mars and Christmas Lights and that's a completely different album to me. Many of Coldplay's best songs lately (Moving to Mars, Christmas Lights, Atlas, Miracles, All Your Friends and Ghost Story relegated to just the deluxe version) have been absent from their actual album releases these past five years (imo) and I'd hate to see that trend continue. :(


Same here. Moving to Mars is a very great song but I think they left it off since it's quite low tone; I think they wanted to make MX as upbeat as possible. Again, now I'm not saying that it's a bad song, I'm just trying to make sense of why they didn't put it on there. But IMO if Paradise got left off the album for Moving to Mars that would leave me in major dissapointment, along with many other fans. In the universe where Paradise did get left off the album I would be completely puzzled as to how they didn't put it on the album. Paradise is my favorite song and for me very few other songs come close, like Viva La Vida comes close, but that's about it. PoC I feel also fits in with the theme of MX, although I don't really regard it as part of their best work, because it reminds me of so many mainstream songs nowadays. But it still has that Coldplay touch and the MX feel to it, which in my opinion makes it better than most mainstream songs nowadays. It'd be great to see Christmas Lights make it and maybe even replace PoC, but as for Moving to Mars I simply don't know where it would fit.


And as for these great songs being left off of the albums, I agree. Moving To Mars... I'm not sure of, just because it doesn't feel the same as the rest of the album, and it's a bit too low-tone for the album. Christmas Light would be a great addition to MX, probably falling somewhere later on in the album. Atlas would have been such an amazing part of GS if it ever got on there. Even though Miracles is a great song, I think it could be a bit too bright for the feel of GS. All Your Friends should have made it into the default version, it's such a great song, and Ghost Story is good but I don't think it'd be great enough to make GS. Now there's two songs by Coldplay you may have not heard of: "Wish I Was Here" and "Gone But Not". "Wish I Was Here" is absolutely beautiful. I think it'd fit into GS really well. However, the problem with that is that most of the lyrics are sang by Cat Power, and Chris Martin doesn't even say a word, except he does a bit of falsetto at the end. Gone But Not would be a {B]great[/b] addition to AHFOD. As we've seen, so far the lyrics of AHFOD have a bit of a darker theme to them. The lyrics sound like they'd fit onto a somewhat-uplifting tune, though. A perfect example I'd like to see those new lyrics on Chris' pants fit onto would be a song like Gone But Not. It sounds an uplifting tune, but if you listen to the lyrics, they're actually quite sad. I think that the lyrics we recently found out on Chris' pants could fit perfectly with an uplifting tune. I'd love to see Gone But Not somewhere on AHFOD... unfortunately it probably won't happen. I'd love to see a new trend on putting any other great songs Coldplay comes up with and actually putting them on the album, instead of leaving them mostly unknown. :P


I have A Head Full Of Dreams... and one of them is to go to a Coldplay Concert :laugh4:

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Gone But Not would be a {B]great[/b] addition to AHFOD. As we've seen, so far the lyrics of AHFOD have a bit of a darker theme to them. The lyrics sound like they'd fit onto a somewhat-uplifting tune, though. A perfect example I'd like to see those new lyrics on Chris' pants fit onto would be a song like Gone But Not. It sounds an uplifting tune, but if you listen to the lyrics, they're actually quite sad. I think that the lyrics we recently found out on Chris' pants could fit perfectly with an uplifting tune. I'd love to see Gone But Not somewhere on AHFOD... unfortunately it probably won't happen. I'd love to see a new trend on putting any other great songs Coldplay comes up with and actually putting them on the album, instead of leaving them mostly unknown. :P



I think we can basically 100% say that Gone But Not F. Cotton won't be on AHFoD since it was exclusively written as a goodbye tribute/gift to Ferne Cotton. Wish I Was Here was written for a movie with the same title, so it's out too. Both of them are really beautiful songs, though--WIWH actually has one of my favorite lyrical phrases of any song ever:


"Say goodbye to my Hyde side

Saw some Jekyll appear"



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Guest diogo_sg


And also the lyric is 'thunder' instead of chamber on the fools gold one[emoji14]

Oh, I already knew about those lyrics. I thought there were new ones. My heart almost broke my chest when I read that [emoji23]

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Guest diogo_sg
I reckon Fools Gold may get its radio premiere on Thursday or Friday or at least before 30 September.

The title isn't confirmed, right?

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