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Track 10 - My Universe | Coldplay X BTS | Music of the Spheres

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1 hour ago, Famous Old Painter said:

Are we certain this will still be the new single? I know that was the original plan, but maybe they’ve changed it because of the leak. It would explain the delay

I don't think they changed it, Phil mentioned our next stops were Coloratura and Epiphane while the full leak was already out, look at the dates.


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Haven't heard any snippet yet, even no Overtura, but i'm kind of scared by this collab. If it's fully EDM, it won't be my cup of tea. 

Really love PoC, especially the first ever performance at Rock im Park. But even with Rihanna, the guitar riff kills it for me,so amazing.

Hopefully My Universe will offer something similar and unique.

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Such a strange feeling, mostly cause i heard the song. Although it did grow on me, still it really doesn't deserve all this attention, mostly cause song is so fragmented with such a weird structure it almost feels like a experiment in coldplay terms, more like a b side than a bombast single as it will be marketed. The song is sugary, and poppy but somehow, and it is so weird, it is such a small song and not the bombast one even if there is a big chorus and a BTS attached. Weird weird feelings about this song when the marketing is so big and out of place in my opinion. 

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Sorry for too many posts... But maybe because it is not that much of a tune, it doesn't feel big. Remember when Paradise came, it was such an instant feel of the chart potential it has, and although it also felt sugary it was so nice to melt in that sugar. And this time, i get it, they are experimenting with Max Martin in production tricks, so they were playing with what seems like a classic pop song, repeating chorus after chorus, finishing with what would be in a middle of a "normal" pop song etc. But I'm wondering, is this tune good to begin with, the chorus that goes over and over again, is it really good or just mediocre, and if the latter is the case than all the experimentation is in vain. I'm yet not sure about it, myself.

Good night my dear coldplayers!

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Haven't heard the song yet however I'll cover my ears until that album drops, it's nice to have suprises.

The only aspect I can type about is  BTS officially confirmed to be in collaboration with Coldplay. 

I don't know much of BTS music if I'm honest, I am aware they're very popular and hopefully this decision might bump up this album's awareness. It did seem this collab sorta occurred naturally and not forced. I remembered seeing BTS cover of "The Scientist" on YouTube. .. I'm just unsure if I truly like this colab or not.

Maybe I have an bleak view because when I mentioned Coldplay had a new album this year to one of my husband's younger brothers (barely even in his 20s) he told me,

"Coldplay is still around? They should've moved on by now"

His comment made me feel so deflated inside however I don't blame him for his thoughts, I appreciate his honesty; maybe that's another reason why Coldplay did what they did.. they want to remain relevant and hip.


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1 hour ago, TealAppeal said:

Haven't heard the song yet however I'll cover my ears until that album drops, it's nice to have suprises.

The only aspect I can type about is  BTS officially confirmed to be in collaboration with Coldplay. 

I don't know much of BTS music if I'm honest, I am aware they're very popular and hopefully this decision might bump up this album's awareness. It did seem this collab sorta occurred naturally and not forced. I remembered seeing BTS cover of "The Scientist" on YouTube. .. I'm just unsure if I truly like this colab or not.

Maybe I have an bleak view because when I mentioned Coldplay had a new album this year to one of my husband's younger brothers (barely even in his 20s) he told me,

"Coldplay is still around? They should've moved on by now"

His comment made me feel so deflated inside however I don't blame him for his thoughts, I appreciate his honesty; maybe that's another reason why Coldplay did what they did.. they want to remain relevant and hip.

What your husband's brother said is just like saying "Is Madonna still around?" or "Is U2 still around?". Coldplay are commercially past their prime, and artists on that phase of their career are less talked about, there's nothing wrong with it.

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2 hours ago, Tarkovsky2 said:

Such a strange feeling, mostly cause i heard the song. Although it did grow on me, still it really doesn't deserve all this attention, mostly cause song is so fragmented with such a weird structure it almost feels like a experiment in coldplay terms, more like a b side than a bombast single as it will be marketed. The song is sugary, and poppy but somehow, and it is so weird, it is such a small song and not the bombast one even if there is a big chorus and a BTS attached. Weird weird feelings about this song when the marketing is so big and out of place in my opinion. 

Listen to the TikTok snippet, it's different from the leak, I think it does pack that punch you're talking about now!


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Wait, so the leaked version is different from the one on Tik Tok? I havent' even heard the leak because reasons but from the comments seems like the song wouldn't be my cup of tea.

Also, I think It's almost impossible for this single to flop because it has the BTS name attached to it.

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36 minutes ago, JM-42 said:

Wait, so the leaked version is different from the one on Tik Tok? I havent' even heard the leak because reasons but from the comments seems like the song wouldn't be my cup of tea.

Also, I think It's almost impossible for this single to flop because it has the BTS name attached to it.

Overall the song is the same but you can clearly tell how the official snippet is better, with more details, stronger production... The leak is more like a demo.

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I said it after the leak and I believe it even more after hearing the proper snippet - this is a great pop song with a strong hook, a funky bass line, an interesting structure (that drop at the end!) and a fun, fitting featuring artist.

Is it a masterpiece of composition like Coloratura? No. That's OK. I think it's a strong single that will chart well, probably grow on me even more and, most importantly, it reflects what the boys want to do.

Quite frankly I find the comparisons to SJLT and X Marks the Spot, which I've read from various people, a little bizarre. The track sounds absolutely nothing like those two, and is much, much stronger in my eyes.

It seems as though that's just a way for people who don't like MU to compare it to the other songs they dislike. And that's fine, that's their prerogative. It's still a baseless comparison though.

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3 hours ago, Yes? said:

Quite frankly I find the comparisons to SJLT and X Marks the Spot, which I've read from various people, a little bizarre. The track sounds absolutely nothing like those two, and is much, much stronger in my eyes.


I can't help it but to me it sounds very similar to SJLT

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Having had the leak for a few months now, I wasn't that excited for this to drop but the new snippet sounds significantly better mastered/mixed. Now I'm really excited because I'm wondering if there's other big changes on vocals or maybe some instruments on this final studio version. I do think this will be a better-received song than HP. Of course some folks won't like this style or the feature, but as a lover of good pop music I think it's fun. Spoiler Thoughts/Questions: 


Does anyone think there will be a rap verse or some other instrumentals added? The leak was really straightforward, 4 choruses, two verses, one bridge and the cool futuristic EDM outro. I'm thinking maybe the demo that leaked just hadn't been mastered, as in Max Martin hadn't finalized his production. The Tik Tok snippet sounds really big and full, maybe Coldplay's most bombastic single since Paradise! 


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I think that probably people compare this song to SJLT because it's another major collab that Coldplay did and it's also one of their most poppy songs too. Anyway, other songs we could perhaps compare MU to otherwise:




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I expected much more. It is nothing like what one imagined from the preview of the album. 

on the list of the worst 

On 13/9/2021 at 19:03, Tarkovsky2 said:

Perdón por demasiadas publicaciones ... Pero tal vez porque no es una gran melodía, no se siente grande. Recuerde cuando llegó Paradise, fue una sensación instantánea del potencial gráfico que tiene, y aunque también se sintió azucarado, fue tan agradable derretirse en ese azúcar. Y esta vez, lo entiendo, están experimentando con Max Martin en trucos de producción, así que estaban jugando con lo que parece una canción pop clásica, repitiendo coro tras coro, terminando con lo que sería en medio de un pop "normal". canción, etc. Pero me pregunto si esta melodía es buena para empezar, el coro que se repite una y otra vez, si es realmente bueno o simplemente mediocre, y si este último es el caso, entonces toda la experimentación es en vano. Yo mismo todavía no estoy seguro.

¡Buenas noches, queridos jugadores de Coldplay!


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