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🪐 Coldplay: Music of the Spheres 🪐 | Out Now! | Discussion


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9 hours ago, Dherlax said:


If it's not officially easily accessible, then probably there is a reason behind it. I have feeling it was a mistake and it shouldn't be available. So, please don't share links in here, especially the unofficial ripped ones.

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Then I won't share the official link to the facebook snippet in here, because I think I have it. Altough I believe more people have the link too! It is just there on Facebook, Coldplay didn't delete it.

Edited by Gideon_Mx
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Guys, I’ve been noticing a lot of disappointment and dissatisfaction from the snippet we got.. and while I understand where this comments come from, I think we have to give our guys the benefit of the doubt. First, we’ve only heard 15 seconds from a -at least- 3 minute song, and yeah, it’s pop, but pop ≠ bad necessarily. Second, I get the felling, as it has been proven many times before, that this single is going to be the poppiest the album gets, it’s a single for a reason, their most comercial sound to catch those casual listeners, and non fans. I also think this song is different or the odd one out from the album, given the fact that they are betting to release it 3-4 months before the album even comes out, they are promoting it almost as a separate thing: in summer, as a radio friendly hook, to catch people and bring awareness of their existence and “relevance”, like a signal saying: “hey, we are back... remember us? We are huge!!! And will be back later this year with more fun! “.  So, let’s just wait, and trust them, we know what they are capable of, and they know what they are doing... besides, they have never, ever, EVER done the same thing twice; it’s just not who they are, and we know they give their all every single time! 

Let’s remain calm, hopeful, and excited,

love you all,

A Coldplay Fan. 

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4 hours ago, United said:

Blinding Lights is a generic garbage. People talking about it like it's a decade's defining masterpice of a song like Bohemian Rhapsody or Wind Of Change.

I’m not sure why you think every piece of music has to be revolutionary to be good. 

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2 hours ago, Gideon_Mx said:

Yes, I assumed the Facebook post was the original one and it's still available. The funny thing is that it's pretty damn hard to find! I'm lucky to have found the link to have access to the snippet on Coldplay's Facebook page.

for some reason i dont see it, i almost wanna say due to country restriction stuff? 

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I think it's crazy that every album everyone says "oh no coldplay is pop", or "I hate the sound". Like I get that people can have opinions, but really the sound has been pop for a gazillion albums, and also overall their pop sound is pretty worked out what it is. 


I would imagine they aim for this to be Like Every Tear Drop is. Waterfall in terms of how pivotable it will be for them as a band to reveal. 

The clip is way to small to gage the overall feel of the track. 

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haven't even heard the 15 second snipped but it does feel like the Coldplaying of around pre-MX era with this overreaction for such a small part of a 3 minute song ?

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So the first 15 seconds of higher power. it sounds really good for a small section. when I remember the album A Head full of Dreams, where we heard a small excerpt from AOAL of Jonny's guitar riff everyone was very excited about that and then in tourned out to be a middle class pop song. I like that 80's style a lot. Generally you have to say Coldplay just wants to be successful with this album and cause a stir in the music industry, as they wanted with A Head full of Dreams. For me, it's not about supplying old and new players, but Coldplay always wants to have a say in the current music industry, so they have to try things out. The rock song that many people want today would not sell anymore these days. It's easy to see on Everyday Life, it's a top album, it wasn't nominated for a Grammy for nothing, but it got very little attention in the music industry. I wish Coldplay can produce a number 1 single again this time, like they did with Paradise last time. I'm looking forward to the new era and the new album.

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Higher power is very similar with blinding lights by the weekend. I have huge expectations but ... still good song after first time hear its literally stick on my mouth ı cant stop keep singing ı still hope for album ım pretty sure will get a more song sound like old coldplay

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First off, Ive been on this forum since pre- X&Y release, but have been a lurker for the past couple album cycles and don't post much these days. But Ive followed the boys from the very beginning. So, its been a treat to say that Ive grown with them musically and in life.

I always wished they'd  had gone the full alternative/rock route, as their earlier stuff indicated that they would be pretty damn good at it! Look, I love Buckland's guitar, I think he's a subtle genius, and wish they would fully unleash him, i.e. One I Love(2003 Live). But Ive come to accept that they just aren't going to do that. Buckland's genius is still there, but just like the rest of the band, they compliment each other perfectly, which makes them who they are, Coldplay.

Every time they release an album, I get a little scared, for lack of a better word, that they may go full blown cringe worthy pop. But ive learn to grow with them and accept that, in the end, they never steer you wrong. They know what they're doing. Even if it is pop. I love most of their pop stuff. Because at the end of the day, they create with a purpose. And I know it means something to them, being how much of a  perfectionist they are.


So while this little 15 second snippet seems super poppy, I have no doubt that it will be Coldplay to it's very core. Heck, this may be the poppiest thing on the album. Let's not judge  the entire album or song on 15 seconds. At this point in the game, they know what they're doing. I trust them! Bring Higher Power and the album on! 


Edited by IneedYou23
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A lead (or follow-up) single is always the "pop-iest" sounding song on the record. Remember that. Think the following singles:
Everyday Life: Orphans
A Head Full of Dreams: AOAL/Hymn for the Weekend
Ghost Stories: Magic
Mylo Xyloto: ETIAW/Paradise
Viva la Vida or DAOHF: Viva La Vida

Don't lose hope based off 15 seconds people. I actually think the new sound is huge, in the best possible way. 

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Btw, i really like the fact that with this snippet the direction of the song and its sound is pretty clear to predict. We know what to expect.

Remember the AOAL preview? Holy Sh**, many thought it would be something rock, even similar to Violet Hill. Because of the guitar and heavy drums near the ending. The song turned out to be totally different, which was a big letdown on the very first listen. Though, i do like it a lot now.

As for Higher Power,  i assume we will be surprised too. But in a good way this time around. 

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1 minute ago, TomRiver said:

A lead (or follow-up) single is always the "pop-iest" sounding song on the record. Remember that. Think the following singles:
Everyday Life: Orphans
A Head Full of Dreams: AOAL/Hymn for the Weekend
Ghost Stories: Magic
Mylo Xyloto: ETIAW/Paradise
Viva la Vida or DAOHF: Viva La Vida

Don't lose hope based off 15 seconds people. I actually think the new sound is huge, in the best possible way. 

Absolutely! Even In My Place went that way, being very radio friendly.


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32 minutes ago, IneedYou23 said:

First off, Ive been on this forum since pre- X&Y release, but have been a lurker for the past couple album cycles and don't post much these days. But Ive followed the boys from the very beginning. So, its been a treat to say that Ive grown with them musically and in life.

I always wished they'd  had gone the full alternative/rock route, as their earlier stuff indicated that they would be pretty damn good at it! Look, I love Buckland's guitar, I think he's a subtle genius, and wish they would fully unleash him, i.e. One I Love(2003 Live). But Ive come to accept that they just aren't going to do that. Buckland's genius is still there, but just like the rest of the band, they compliment each other perfectly, which makes them who they are, Coldplay.

Every time they release an album, I get a little scared, for lack of a better word, that they may go full blown cringe worthy pop. But ive learn to grow with them and accept that, in the end, they never steer you wrong. They know what they're doing. Even if it is pop. I love most of their pop stuff. Because at the end of the day, they create with a purpose. And I know it means something to them, being how much of a  perfectionist they are.


So while this little 15 second snippet seems super poppy, I have no doubt that it will be Coldplay to it's very core. Heck, this may be the poppiest thing on the album. Let's not judge  the entire album or song on 15 seconds. At this point in the game, they know what they're doing. I trust them! Bring Higher Power and the album on! 


I've only been around since Viva, but damn... I COMPLETELY AGREE. 


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I agree - let's not assume the quality of a song based on the first 15 seconds. Let's also not assume the quality of an album based off of 15 seconds of one of its songs! IMO Max Martin's probably just helped with one to two singles here and - since they're singles - they're bound to be the poppiest on the record. 

In case anyone's worried, Jon Hopkins might come back. Jacob Collier might help with some of the songs. The Dream Team, though not mentioned in the liner notes, are probably going to come back. Brian Eno might have a few says in this. I personally think the single's okay as it is, but I just have a gut feeling that this album is going to be good. Really Good.

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I really love that 80s sound and Birds beat combined. Overall after 256 replays, it's pretty awesome, but it's still just 15 seconds.. I feel there's possibility we're gonna receive some J-riff somewhere throughout the song, it'd suit well I think.
But anyway, they know what they're doing. We want them to stay big and this catchy song will let them fill stadiums again. And since this is definitely the most poppy song on the album I'm not worried at all. 

Have you thought about possible collaborations on the album? There's gonna be definitely at least one

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Coldplay Kaotican ``1`` Appears in YouTube Video.

To clarify each video I examined had to have come from the official Coldplay YouTube Channel and the song’s `official video`.


Key: ** = Kaotican 1 Appearance // = nope V =Views


As of May 2021. Just wanted to record this if anything comes from it. Might be possible set-list of songs; Dunno.

Just in case something is related in the future to these songs, like a future concert or in a remake CD... I'll hide my findings in a spoiler tag. I will have one image displayed but it's to show you all what I'm looking for. Hope that helps.





1.     "Don't Panic"        ** V 12,767,041

2.     "Shiver" ** V 27,756,669

3.     "Spies"   // V 2,600,547

4.     "Sparks" // V 6,963,509

5.     "Yellow" ** V 566,084,280

6.     "Trouble" ** V 132,014,599

7.     "Parachutes" // V 999,906

8.     "High Speed"        // V 1,441,295

9.     "We Never Change" // V 2,257,866

10.  "Everything's Not Lost" // V 1,921,455

\Japanese Bonus Tracks\

11.  "Careful Where You Stand" ** V 789,278

12.  "For You" // V 543,083


((Going forward I won’t count the views))


1.     "Politik" //

2.     "In My Place" ** 

3.     "God Put a Smile upon Your Face" **     

4.     "The Scientist" **

5.     "Clocks" **

6.     "Daylight" //

7.     "Green Eyes" //

8.     "Warning Sign" //       

9.     "A Whisper"  //

10.  "A Rush of Blood to the Head" //

11.  "Amsterdam" //


1.     "Square One" //         

2.     "What If" //         

3.     "White Shadows" //   

4.     "Fix You" **        

5.     "Talk" **       

6.     "X&Y" //       

7.     "Speed of Sound" **

8.     "A Message" //

9.     "Low" //

10.  "The Hardest Part" **

11.  "Swallowed in the Sea" // 

12.  "Twisted Logic" //       

13.  "Til Kingdom Come" //

\Japanese Bonus Tracks\

14.  "How You See the World" ~~

[NA. Not on official Coldplay channel]


1.     "Life in Technicolor" //

2.     "Cemeteries of London" //

3.     "Lost!" //      

4.     "42" //  

5.     "Lovers in Japan/Reign of Love" **

6.     "Yes" //

7.     "Viva la Vida" ** 

8.     "Violet Hill"   **

9.     "Strawberry Swing" **       

10.  "Death and All His Friends" //

-- EP

3.     "Lost+" **    

5.     "Life in Technicolor II" **

B-side     "The Goldrush" **

(Just posting this here. A fan requested Coldplay play “The Goldrush” live.


So far in my hunt it appears the symbols are linked to official music videos not just the song and a static image. Should I stop my search for now? Think this means anything? (I might be going a bit wild, lol)



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8 hours ago, jc90 said:

for some reason i dont see it, i almost wanna say due to country restriction stuff? 

That's the whole point, I don't see it either when I try searching it on Facebook, only the link works apparently.

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15 hours ago, United said:

Blinding Lights is a generic garbage. People talking about it like it's a decade's defining masterpice of a song like Bohemian Rhapsody or Wind Of Change.

You spilled the truth. I seriously don't get the hype about The Weeknd in general. Have you listened to his lyrics? It's sad that people stream and support such a misogynist artist.

15 hours ago, prco1994 said:

I mean let's face it, in terms of poppy Coldplay I think Max Martin is light years ahead from how Stargate massacred AHFOD....

Absolutely agree with that!

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29 minutes ago, Gideon_Mx said:

That's the whole point, I don't see it either when I try searching it on Facebook, only the link works apparently.

It's not a country restriction, the link is accessible worldwide but it's unlisted, hence why you can't find it if you go to their page. They must have made it public by accident for a short period of time and some people saw it. I don't get why they don't just take the link down now though if they don't want us to hear it :shrug:

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  • Captain Crieff changed the title to 🪐 Coldplay: Music of the Spheres 🪐 | Out Now! | Discussion
  • Captain Crieff changed the title to Coldplay LP9 Rumours | Music of the Spheres | Vol. 1 released 15 October 2021

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